
Today, a very boring day, our PR chief arranged for phote shooting, it's for next week's media gathering, I used to worked in entertainment field, aware of all the process before the picture taking, you have to dress up, do a little bit make up ( it doen't matter you are a man or woman ), adjust the light, setting the position, come up with convicing posture to pleaee the professional photagrafer, and the whole morning is gone. for last couple years, I lost my hair seriously, I really don't kow how the picture turn out to be.

THink about topic for press party next week also driving me craze, not a media fenz nor a big talker, all I can do is to arrange a better restaurant with reletivitely cozy place. that's why I told Connie to pick " KO " The Euro/Asian restaurant " which hire a chief from Japan, hopefully, the food please all the jourlist, then it will ultimately save my breath.