
Kim's 50th birthday

I am dragged back to office this afternoon by Celine after a long lunch discussion with Mashefang, she is kind enought to have him under our consulting pay roll and learn how to work with us together.

Our lovely co-workers prepare a tasty birthday cake and we sang the birthday song for her, in Himalaya Foundation, it's abnormal to sing / eat / making noise, but we broke the rule little by little, the good thing is , this is the first time I sang birthday song to someone with a low voice, it keep all the embaracement away, eveybody seems happy with this controlled celebration.

Peter's memorial concert come to the last minutes, I didn't contribute too much, but try to invited our client and friend to attend, the box office show that this is a sold out concert, Madame Change should be honored at the venue, I wish all my friends enjoy the music Peter bring to us, during Kim's birthday celebration, I told a story about Peter / Himalaya and how we worked together under this roof, this is the fate which bringing us togehter, no harsh, no push, but a group of people sharing together. if we can make a living out of this ambience, it should be the greatest thing in the world.

Sound's slang kept me thinking for a day, why the enviroment and education system we provided can keep him refrain from the bad temper, why he is so influence by non-displine behavior, I stop talking to him for a day, but last night, when wife picked me up and I brought meat dumplin, I granted my good intention to make up with him -- even thought I thought this is His faults. he is reluctant to give me warm smile.

at night, finally, he approched me and told me how sad he was the night before, he create one thing for me to show his apology, but I was falling asleep and ignor his approching to me, this deepen his unset. asked where the gift, he broke it to piecese already, it must be hard for him.

PMC, the company invested by Soft Bank where I will take up GM position next week is in a great danger, learing the business development with the mangers and found there's NO income yet, for a company established 8 months, this is a very bad beginning, inviting Alice to help me, Celine push and convince her hard.. this should be done, I need my own army to solve the problem PMC generate.

tomorrow, after the CSR seminar, I will re-join the NDC crew for the outdoor visiting. it must be fun, it's a pity that David Lee can't join me to the surprise. however, I've tried and didn't over promise what will happen.

Albert is a nice guy....

Celine will join me to the Beijing trip, she will take it over, I think...