
It comes the Greeting 10th, I receive Yang' " Hello " short message by 7:45 am, to know she is fine and well, I am happy too, we have such a communication agreement was based on " Everything's alright" mentality, didn't beat up by cancer wasn't a easy thing, she play the role as the angle to other patient, I respect her and would like to encounge her in anyway I can.
Yesterday, A scheduled long discussion about organization didn't take that long; we go over the chart again - a flat two dimension paper can't really reflect to the vivid and dymanic interactive ambience in the live organation, we are playing the puzzle game, try to map what we think is best for the company, actually, how to create a seamless organization is a almost impossible dream, we only prey to have the newly promote director take heavier responsibility and to keep the company as tight as possible.

Have an early morning breakfast with representative from Tokyo, the breakfast is for my renew contract; I am calm and easy, as my wife told me not to think of any aggrestive approach, accept any offer on the table, as I had a " Side Project " on hand, I should not hold the position to negociate and harsh to the representative, he was surprised by my calm and didn't bring up any concern about my Money issue; I told he the increas of salary means less to me as I am on the highest tax tier, any dollar I earned, 40% go to the tax bureau, this reason give him a more relief feeling, otherwise, he might think that I am not interested in taking the offer.

Lunch with T. was great, I am straight forward to the Side Project core, telling him that I found he is interted in the music / entertainment business and I also learn that the chemistry between us was there, so I didn't go for my Forum members, but to conduct the business / investment dialogue with him; he buys my concept and promise a 10 days window for response, a third generation in Taiwan, born with sliver spoon, this is the first time I picth for the captical . Herry didn't agree with me, I don't know why and I am not favor his idea of disposing his own resource, this is not what a enprepurnor should be, I am more into Mr. Harold's advise, 10% from you, have the balacne coming from investor.

David is happy I guess, not only wish to see me, but tried to organised a speech for me in Fu-Dan University in Shanghai on my next trip.

I am going to see Terry this afternoon, see what happen and see if " Ukulele " reunion is a reality or not.

COO is taking home leave vacation today and won't be back until 23rd. I have to practice how to be a COO for next 2 week. intensive private talk with manager's and soon to be directors.



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