
First day in the office since the 2 weeks trip in Tokyo and Shanghai; I didn't feel strange to the environment I familiar, but when greeting to COO, I can sense his tired in his eyes; before the managers' meeting on Monday morning - our first activity in every Monday morning, he told me the earthquake form the HQ - CEO and COO both stepping down today, the new CEO who success him is an American, the 56 years old Japanese company hired an American to run the global number 2 comsumer electronic giant and the best branding company in the world; I am not surprised about the stepping down of CEO / COO, but do surprised about the succesor, the domino effect will soon take place, and a Japanese / American power play will last for at least another 2 years; I see the dim of the company future althought the stock market welcome the change and response immediately, but it won't last long; the problem lays still.

New expetrate visit to have an early communication with us, COO honestly telling him to report to me directly, we have not discussed how to set and announce the new company structure, another Japanese executive will come to join our organizational change session discussion tomorrow evening; we have a lot to talk about, when the earthquake erupt in HQ, will COO insisit to leave as planned. will our Chairman keep his position still ? a lot of question ahead to be digested.

The palm Dragon Chinese hand-writing software cause me some problem, when my assistant helping me recover and sycronize the data, I don't have either PC or PDA on hand, I feel like losing my tool to work, I am addicted to electronic assistant.

lunch with Danny, we exchange some idea about the Forum member investment prinspal, we had a mutual understanding of no to discuss investment among forum members and be professional when it go to business discussion and decision; I told him AJ asked about my own company checked if I need investor or not, I am not in the position hungry for money, but I promise to update them situation when having the Forum meeting. the value of friendship - well, sometimes you may like to trade-off with cash, but does it worth? I don't know, what D. Yang did is putting everybody in the hot place and creating difficulity among member, this is not a right performence.

Interviewing 2 mangers in the afternoon, they are both good, excellent so to speak, they quit their job for the family matter and now they are ready to return to the job market; we are lucky that they value our company high and willing to take longer time waiting for my final interview. I always believe conducting interview and reviewing resume can't really make you know this person, you may only discover his / her attitude to the work, expertise and interested, communication skill and organization capability. working is the only way to examine what you hear before and trun it to a what you see in front of you. I think we are lucky to have them both join us, in the time we urgently need talent, expecially HR, our HR will resign in March and go to Dubai with his husband. we are currently planning a major scale of organization change, the new comer should come as soon as possible.

Preparing my side project file for discussion with Timothy, the blue print it ready, but I feel it lost the spirit of the thing I want to do, I think it over and over and now come out with the spirit below:
" Turn marginal effect to mainstream income ; Making sides project a everybody's project " the draft is too roughy, I need to condense ane consolidate to a " Things with concept, background and messaged to be heard"

Having red-face duck with my wife tonight, we have additional porting of Tofu and mushroom I ate too much, after the meal, we found a bakery shop and asked what they proud of - the milky / peanut candy, this is my killer, I can't help to finish it all eveytime I saw it. they produce great candy, no wonder the billboard in the street is OK.



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