
I am touched

J's response after Workshop moved me, I am touched, he send me a mail addressed how he feel my heart and make a commitment to stay with me, until the day.... I am not saying this is a pay-off, but this is the true value when devoted my heart to my work and to the peoples who turn this company rolling. staff may not know, their commitment is the medicine to superiors when those who they report to feel depressed. I return with another warm mail, to show how appreciate I receive his greeting. J make my day, out of those troublesome operation.

Sending Yu-ching SMS dairy, the routine keep both in up status, this is the least support I can made, last night, when returning home, I send her message which inspire me, the key message is : 「When working, we drive people, asking for more - a multiple mindset to numbers, but in real life , God's nature, days are always numbered, the rule of nature is subtraction」, so we are living in a world of contridiction, like a dog, chasing its own tail, circle around and never get the chance to pursue what it want.

Had a conversation with T. about the creativity debating last night, I sent him a mail about how to win the collective efforts in accomplish his mission in Taiwan, he is a mature person, but frustrated in bringing everyone's energy to his level of devoting. as an expatriate, he know some of the ground is not the same as local hire, and he understand the toughness thing is to insturct people to work as hard as he does. but what make him feel uncomfortable is not the creative discussion itself, but the attitude he sense at the meeting, everyone want to go home earlier - acturally that was 9:00 pm already , and that's a Fathers' Day , the tag of war didn't take place, it's like one little giant fighting with 2 troop - one from the advertising agency, one from inhouse colleage. this must be a hardship for him; I asked him to my office simply want to show him I am supporting him and at the same time, share my experience of how to get the job done before the meeting, such as : Find a better time slot for such a meeting, a pre-consensuse build up with internal staff, forming a samll group with kep person when encounting diffculity at a big meeting.

Attending Parent comapany's Assembly meeting at Ambassdor Hotel, I though it will be a boring one, but, to my surprise, not as bad as I expected, S.-san did a good presentation about " Lower the silo ", he is good in conduction / preparing the presentation. the employee club promotion and introduction session is fun and energetic, I am surprised to see a few good bilingule doing the presentation, they do have great potential in the multi-national company, and why we didn't recurit new comers equipped with the same attribution.

HR head T. asked me to cancel the IWNC training this time, for cost saving and for the purpose we already have - the shared value and spirit. I respect her decision.

Monthly closing meeting , I can smell S.-san wish to conduct cost-cut / reengireering session with us, a newly elected Chairman of the board actively involved in our operation, it's wired and I know I need to preparing a defence plan at the re-budget meeting.

Went to bad earlier than before, a good night sleep, wake up one hours earlier than before, and those " What I shold do " hit me to my brain, wait a minutes, I call myself a halt before my mind went explosion; why Chasing the " Unfinished " become gaol for common person? will we really feel regret when didn't achive some goal in life ? or should we stay in one place for a while, looking around the sceneray and enjoy the break in life ? it keep me thinking on my way tot he office this morning.



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