
Scruinitize and Press Party

We held a press party in the morning of 13th for official opening of our ECmall - Ichiban market; the second new business initative we launch in the fisical year.

Although I am not fully prepared for my speech and Q/A session, but with my experience and the skill of presentation, I managed to deliver a good brief speech and perform my role as expected. the delay and mis-treatment of accounting practice cause a further 43 millions deficit in the coming year and it gave me great presure to convince top management in Tokyo how to achieve the revised budget. Newly elected Chariman of the board and Head of the umbrella company S. attending the press conference as VIP. we follow some Japanese Tradition, a big Sake wooden barrel centered on the stage , the honored guest hamming on the wooden seal, then the sake sprout out , a reflection of water mirrow effect, it's kind of fun. media attendacne rate is high and I would expect to see follow up explosure. but this is only for PR. the real business itself is trapped in a bad situation, 25% of the day pass. we achieve 4% of the sales. another monster is poaching us. so beat it. without the " Drop Dead Money ", but I should be equipped with " Drop Dead Guts "

In the afternoon. sent to present our budget mumber in a scrunitized manner. S. conduct the meeting with untrustful approach, he spend more then 2 hours challenge the accuracy in forcasting , the accuracy of target achievement and the logic behind the numbers we come out. I am fine as I already made up my mind, but I wonder the director who attended together with me can have the relilence to obsorb such a presure from a top top executive. I didn't burst out with any emotion, I didn't debating on any thing, but simply follow the flow and be there - physically. as the plan is rolling out, there's no return, as S. mentioned at our monthly gathering, it's a V2 situation, the aircraft is taking off now, it either landing safe or crash somewhere, I am my own pilot now and am taking my aircraft in a V2 status also, we deperture the same time, but the landing destination is totally different.

Invite M. over for dinner, as she is my financial administrator, I need to know how much I need to handle next 2 years and what to be arrange as I am going my own way. I explanied to her the current corrolation between these relationship and seeking her support as always. my fate and fortune will heaving counting on the ladies in Virgo.

C. didn't got time for discuss yesterday, it gave me a very slight feeling of if I too rush or I am running too fast that she can't catch up? thanks for her call and I realized we were both in a situation that we were pushing out of the current position. it deserve another long day of discussion. I better prepare it now for the K-Study center meeting - another secret place I discovered for the temporary reslove at start up.



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