I shall never do it again
Promise Dar. to act as the moderator at one of the O4 Forum. a Sino-Korean cross-industry ( or Telecom / Content / Mobile convergence ) exchange forum; he either inititate or bid for the budget to do it, I don't know, but as an overseas Korean living in Taiwan for more than 30 years, he can easily penatrate to this now happening area -- The Korea Mania; as one of the pioneer developing independent music and spirit in Taiwan, his credit in Music industry up and down like riding roller coster. It's too early to jump to conclusion, but I only criticize on this event - a semi-govenmental forum screw up by his poor administration.I agree to help as Moderator, not the MC of the forum. he didn't sent me agenda until I asked my secretary to push, 2 days before the fourm, I review the agenda and found he ( or the organization entity ) place me in one of the speech penal -- which I never agree and don't have time to prepare. I called and send my uncomfortable message, so, they omit it from " My " agande, other speech presentor knows nothing about it.
No reception, no show, no greeting , no opening, no nothing, even no registration and penalist allowance. what a bad bad administration. I walked out the venue after done my part - the moderator and I will never, never help him, as it will hurt my credit, more and more.
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