
Revitalization of CEO chat

Having dinner with Sabrian and Lawson and the Fort Restaruant - Chung SHang Hall last night, to share a few things and to encourage each other on the road ahead, the most impressive finding is that My old article " CEO chat " was a talk about amount all the So-net co-worked, and it's like a brewing wine, it getting stronger and stronge, without the information, I hardly know I did some great thing and to influence others by writing something out of my own experience, not the title or position matter, but the insight, the conect the empathy and the human nature, they asked me to revamp ( repulblish ) the site and contiure the virtual role of CEO and to share with all of them, I wish and I am willing to carry on this massage, a man of influence is what value my life, this is a life long gaol for me, I am happy there's impace on the article and I really need to carry on.

Spending too much time on helping others - friend or friend's friend. too little sleep and too minor productivity, stay up for Peter's project and with no signiicant improvement or process, I am good at coneducting meeting, but this is not a role to plan with talking with people from the culture elements. you have to committe your time and to stick with them, the cost ti too hight.

IDB's project should be prfesented by who? I am getting more and more uncomfortable to be the representaive for this subsidery approval preject, if the 80millions fund were granded to A. instead of F. why I should be the person to leverage my credit for this? and why should I doing it, will it damange the brand image and Lichun? I should carefully consider the long term impact on the project, Wife is upset, about I was used agian and to agianst the bureaaccy.

Lunch with H. at New Hama for discussion the coming revise Lichun business plan, the valuable word from him is : Be Opptemstic, don't be too frustrated by what happened now.

Taking Sound to Regent in teh early morning for swimming, this is the first exercise I take in 2 months, since the back pain hurt, I stop ping pong session and busy in all kind of business. the early moring swimming at Regent is a great experience, I want to take it as a routine and prepare my swimming gear in my back pack with me. it's nice to dive in the water in the open space