
return flight

take Angkor airway flight back, the airway was operated by FET , with the higher authority and power, in Cambodia, you can do almost everything with the assistant of money, this is the sad and true story in every under developed country.

I took a 8 minutes helicaptor tour at Angkor Wat yesterday, this is the option program we are planning to offer on the December trip, this is magnaficant, although this is a bit of risk on your own, however, when seeing a French polit, we ease our uncertainty, this is my first experience in the helicaptor flight, from a higher view to see the entire Angkor Wat, it is really a different experience, the 8 minutes like a flash, we check the Angkor Ballon - the still Hot Ballon before the helicaptor flight, it is OK.

Last 2 site viist turn to be very specific and good, the Sanquenc center ( Hope center ) orphanage visit is good, we immediately decide to buy the sourvier from their workshop and to invite the kids to perform on the closing dinner on Dec. 8th. the children center was set up by one Italian foundation and operated in an excellent way, currently, they keep 48 kids with them, age from 3 to 17, teach them all the skill need to be equipped,and forming a family in the garden.

The Ashian art institution is another great place to be, administ by a French and donate from overseas, they provide training to all the Cambonian teenager who willing to learn the traditional art skill, this is a free program and they offer free accomodation for those coming from other provicies. Bengo is consider to adop the same concept in China, for the disabled , for providng the same training. this is good.

on the flight, they asked how am I worked and what's the statu of csr Community? a friendship conversation, need is the key from their challenge, am I too early to promote CSR ? Or this is an infant industry to be ? I am not sure, but to think hard about the need from corporate and from the executive is very important? How can I use only 3 minuts to explain what's CSR and how it can make the corporate gaining more porfit?

The other great point is to reassuance the idea of forming a mangemenet company with Coco, this is to captilize what I have before and to make belive it will generate decent money? kind of weired, but this is a crule world. Never say never and don't draw a line to what you were credit before.

The dinner with Wei is another good experience, may access to Soft Bank if the developemnt continue, I am hoping to ride on my experience further, I need to.