
On my way

it's been a bumper week, I tracked the event and things on my reactivate Clie, and yes, I didn't do is the smae time in English with my blog. this morning, on my way to the airport - I am headng for the GLC in Toronto, one of the best eudcation program in YPO which you can't miss. P. called with a no show number, yes, it's from the extention number on his office line; CNP dicided to promote one candidate within the Taiwan operation and reducing the risk of hiring someone outside the company or even outside the industry, I am not surpise to know the answer, however, this is a very thin line in my kite of shopping for corporate like, is it the fortuen telling me to walk on my own? if this is the hard evidence, then should I step in the CSR industsry which is blur to be a proven market?

sending my resumee to recuriter a weeks ago, from the referral of J. however, there's no feed back also, a letter to Sony - Inayoshi-san, no sign of returning too, I am a little bit lost in the job serching. how should I see myself clearly and to reinvestimetn my career and to secure the family? it seems I am running out of method to keep the basic living of my family, not to mention to secure the bumpering business of csr Community., I can't sit and wait for miracle, this is not a fairy tale and should not be a fantasy, I need to find a way out, out of the dangerous and unpleasant mental sutiation. hey, I didn't work out for months as well. this should be the worst seasnon in my life, and I should find and fight my way back to normal.

what did I do last week? CHTF consuting begins, this can compensate a bit from April onward. once my salary reduce from the company. Ta Ya hit another rock, Mr. Lee want to change something with the park lighting system, it may miss-lead the Green concept and won't be able to connect with city government. Stan's foundation, send the contract with a very fuzz terms. CHT consulting for CSR, Mr. Chiang's childish and foolsish may kick us out of the consulting picture. for the bridge fo governmental project, the National Budget was boycott byt oppitision party and won't be realized by March, so, even there's case flow in, the money won't be arrvied by July. so. what's the income stream for our company, I can't see a dim light, this create a great uncomfortable feeling to me. it's like walking on thin water and have no way to escape, ( I don't remember how many times I wrote - no way to escape since I started my own company )

Tom will be moved from the head of Digital Content Division to ?. informed by Hochen, I can't complain but to thank Hochen to give his second chance, I predict it will happen by March, and it comes. Dr. Yang tret me like his almighty, I can do more, but only a little bit of something. who should be connected? Charles with Dr. Yang again, and Chuang with Charles again? bubble no more, dream less and hoep dilute, this is not healthy, I need to find a way , a way out.