
Learning from Forum Pals

This is the take home value from the meeting last night, it help me to clean up my mind in regard to the LC development:
1. 2 great suffers when take up the manufacture role in local public company : The call for decision making ( it's tougher if you are not in the same industry, there's no paralle knownedge transfer, most of the time, newly on board executive from outside will be expected to bluff ), second is to make up laspe when execution take place ( even you make the right decision, your people didn't equip the capability to deliver result, you should take his postion and get the job done )-- From J.W.W
2. Your role in complimentary position with chairman, in experice, in funtion, in age, if you are at the same age group, it's tough to perform because the complimentary synery won't exercise. -- From J.WKC
3. Attitude is everything , yours and others, to equip skills in factory knowledge do have degree of differences, it depends how deep you need to dive and the expetation from others, manage manufacturing business is not so hard -- From Daniel.
4. People are different - in Manufacure segment, people are more like tools, to perform the feasiable result, in Service Industry, you are driving the potential of people-- J.W.W.
5. Working in multi-national as executive, leadership is key, you only need to push the botton, and it will automatically run, in local firm, you push and it won't work, you have to drive , lead, handon with problem solving talent-- J.W.W
6. Your power position - to win respect and to building value in manufacture is important, it depends on the time your boss willing to give -- JWW
7. Calm down, step by step, like mountain climing, you will reach the peak finally -- A. Chio

sending my package to Bengo yesterday as promised, it's difficult and I don't want to repeat my mistake again, the letter is just fine, express my appreciation and to elobrate the time I need to smooth transfer role from csr Community and to let him know some of the addressing package - such as car and chauufer is no longer necessary to me. cut my salary half and willing to take the chance to grow and to be the changer , instead of the change agent... I joke about my feeling - to be an entreprenure, like running marathon, but there's no ending line, and to fit myself to manufacture, like enroll in milltary, but you can't see the day of retiring from army. well, this is a chanllenge for mind and body -- how to follow the displine -- a more like cult in LCPC and to free my spirit inside, keep my creativity as rich as before, a major task. how to perform just right and appropreate for keeping friendship with Bengo, I can't expect everything will be taking cared by him, then my role is a burdon to him and I can't get rid of the bad habit of overly relying on others -- my fatal point.

my first time not to telling the truth to Eugenia, I only tell her I am going to take Zan meditation for 3 days, to me, this is the materpore of accomodate to, how I can see and learng from the future organization I am going to service and survivie.

if people see me from the talent of specturm, I am in the creative / service / trend spot end, how to make it work in the dark end? A very good lesson to take. not only adopt the Canon training and TOYOTO way of Kaizen, I should create value other than giving.

Changing from the midset, from the behabior and from the attitude, but not to abondan what others values you..

Like what A. mentioned -- not to be too vocal, too vocal, Language is the key to understand different culture, what JWW said,TAIWAN is going through another Culture Revolution, a debt to history, it will take 10 years, and we have another 2 years to go.