
Sunday morning, I presented the side project plan to J. a potential partner in my picture, it only took me 30 minutes to finish the deal, she don't even asked but greet light on everthing I said; I took a cab for the breakfast meeting, we drove fast and I didn't notice how fast we are, until the taxi driver told me that we break a record. What record? I asked, he said we passed at least 10 traffic lights, and they are all in green; from Shing long road to Hoping road, it's a non-stop drive on the fast lane, I echo it to the presentation to J.
J. asked my wife and my birthday, time etc and told me she will have some fortune teller to check it up for me, it make my wife nervous, as she will be the President of the Side project company, she is anxicious about it. I don't mind, the person who take care of the Feng Shi issue should have a solution to a bad intepretation.
We went to s Shabu Shabu for lunch -- I ate a lot, I mean, eating without control, and heading for Shang Sha after the lunch, I have an emotion to be there and we did have a good time with all the family.
J. asked me to call the fortunae teller late last night, he asked what company I want to registrated, I reponse with " Side Project " he had a doubt about Project? OK, I changed it to a Side Media International - great Ha.
This morning, take another taxi to office, ki take a birthday leave, I did a presentation of introducing myself at the managers' meeting, this is the file I did for YPO self-introduction. It leave strong impression to all the attendees.

Oliver show up at my office without appointment, I can sence something wrong, Yes, the Ukulele reunion was broken as the song writer / producer had their own agenda, I can understand why they insist on this, I told Oliver let's not compromise for this, I told him to cancel the meeting this afternoon and told him that I will inform artists about it; Terry is really disappointed, never mind, this is not what I can control, I should create another ground for Terry and David to stand on the same platform and do something together, we need soft landing for this........

S. called for a nice but urgent meeting in late evening in regarding to the EZ fly consultation, at Dan Rayn, we order a Pocino and he chew a Platice material - latter to be confirmed a surgenry plastic glove, how disgusing, he must be mad, very mad. we agree with his suggestion to take up the consulting role before deciding whether to join the team, although I had an answer in mind but I will not change the company for any fees. it gave me more room to release from the potential obligation, but I will definetaely learn the online travelling agency business.

Dinner with Ray and Professor Yen, at the flesh fish restaurant, I ran into Mr. Chu and Mr. Wang, and someone buy us dinner - an EMBA student of Yeah, what a small world, will, don't forget the small world therory.

Tomorrow is my thrid Hwa Tao Yao culture trip, I am accompany with I. a farewell trip for the couples.



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