
Daughter Fruit got beaten again because of her lazy and didn't take care of her cleanliness, her mother running out all the good and bad method in teaching her how to be a clean and independent girl. but it seem everything's in vain, I woke by the shout and crying , but as I know it, so didn't stop my wife educating Fruit in a mean way.

I don’t know where her personality will be changed by the way her mother treat her, but to be honest, we try it all and really can't change her bad habit such as -- don't want to change her underpants over night, don't want to wash face. wash teeth in the morning, don't want to organize her own room; talk back to parent and speak bad about her mother outside; No, she in not having behavior bias, but too lazy, her mother something accusation me and point figure to me saying this is a bad DNA, heritage from my family; well, what can I say.

I love Fruit of course, I try to change her in good matter, but nothing in return, but I will still love her, if in our family, no one appreciated her existence, she will be very lonely and feeing no love in the family.