
Last week, I went for 2 good movie, one is “Bruce Almighty " the other is " Piano ", Jim Carey is one of the greatest comic actor to me; the story of Jews suffer from Nazi and the tragedy they facing during the World War 2.

I am not saying that Jews didn't suffer serious enough during the war time, but I would like to provide a new angle of why their story have been repeat told by mass media? open any history book , probably all the races encounter crisis in varies situation, even today, Bosnia / Pakistan / Africa existing the race-bloody movement.

I have a wild guess, Hollywood is mainly controlled by Jews, from studio owner to director , even actor, actress, they have a silent mission to tell the world how Jews are suffered from WW2, the contrast of German and Jews lead us to a " Bad German, good Jews " impression. any propaganda with straight message won't win wild acceptance, but to exercise on Movie -- a story telling machine, people won't defense themselves when watch a compelling and touching movie, so the influence is significant, it magnified the trivial and it sometimes manipulate the way we see and feel the Jews problem.

the other viewpoint is , in the developed community, western films is a common habit among educated people, in the other world, they might be the opinion leader in their own society, the may play vital role in his specialty, so the impact roll out and expend. especially when a film win some international commercial film award, people go to movie for fun and believe what they see. not to mention some of the script were markets " base on true story " --- wait a minute, how many of us really check how truth is the " truth story " any story teller or script writer will intentional dramatize the story, so, we better check before receiving all the message dump on our heart.

I enjoy movie still, and love to be kept in the black box, that a world out of the world you may temporary escape, I will go to movies until very old, even home entertainment getting more and more popular.