
I met little roger this afternoon, a young talent who is now considering change his job and join us for the career plan, to work in western company and Japanese company is totally different, negotiation is not allowed in the beginning if you work in Japanese company, they provide the opportunity for you to learn, grow and training you to work their for your entire career, yes the environment is changing , but the mentality stays, work for life is no more a goal for nowadays young talent even in Japan, Taiwan is something different -- my industry is different as well , Internet begin from the west -- to be more specific , commercialize from the west, A Japanese multinational company adapt it and roll out in Taiwan, I -- a local resident took up this initiative and star up the company with Japanese colleagues, a mix culture company -- Little roger must strong enough to obtain the concept before join us. But as I said to him -- I love talent, I love to work with talent, and I love to train talent, hopefully, he can past the tight screening and filtering process conducted by our COO.