
Guess I have developed the skill to conduct a great presentation by integration entertainment background and network experience; my speech for Wind records examine the result perfectly; the 120 minutes speech was one of the best speech I've ever delivered. Can't really tell the excellence came from the stimulation of the pre-YPOer lunch or the inspiration of Matthew lane, I am full of energy and so confidence to give what I have and to react to what I encountered, this is a great experience to me and I have find a new way to my next goal.

Pre YPO lunch is interesting, Mark is so kind to arrange this lunch gathering for me, as a sponsor, he must send the invitation to senior members of the chapter and then fix all the schedule in between, I met the key members in Taiwan chapter and learn a few procedure from them, it takes more then 3 introduction session before qualified as a member, each event must consist of certain member in presence with senior or chapter officers. there's a Taiwan chapter, 10 events, 2 presentation for members -- new members, and a forum -- consist of 12 members to share , grow , learn, and count on , forum is what members value the most, as they mentioned, people like us is very lonely, probably have no friend in the company and hardly can share the truth with family, so, forum play a role for us to share . exchange all the untold things -- yes, the range is high, it's like a group therapy session among young entrepreneurs. to be certified as a member, my following activities is Sep. 18 gathering and Christmas party, according to them, if everything goes smoothly, I may become the member next Feb. it seems I am lucky enough to be identified this year, the last qualified age -- 44 to be the member, and thy told me the target for acquired new members is only 4, so, we are elite of the elites; what I am happy to hear is they told me this is not a drinking club nor a eating club, it's a sharing and contribution party; yes, this is the question mark, when I went home and told me wife this good news, she asked me " what contribution you should perform when become the member, are you contribute to the organization or to the society or just to the senior members ?, this is something I didn’t think of, am I attend for the reputation or fame ? or am I attend to proved I am in the noble level? Or something else, I better find out before performing any duty in the wrong direction. Something meaningful and something value are what I shall cared no simply the fame or fortune.