
I was out of the office in the after, having lunch with a veteran in the music industry, sharing his insight about the future of music; we met the second time since he pulling himself out of the music business, he pick up the restaurant -- Mulan , a creative Japanese crusine place, ambience is great, food is delicious, and the person who I talked is knowledgeable; he didn't give up the dream to come back again, but take a rest and think about the music industry is what he plan to do now; he said that he is trapped in the muddy land, can't leverage anything now, the industry is so fuzzy, everyone is short-sighted, so even the talents people can only wait; I am not sure if waiting or status quo is a good strategy, but old fashioned thinking won't turn back the clock, this is the change of the mainstream, all the applications should find their way out of the dark; he is smart enough to figure our what's going on, but need to act instead of wait.
Yes. most of people in the music industry are passive about the music business, but do nothing to alter the situation, after the lunch, I went to a music company and visit one of the old friend, he deliver the same message, but no action at all, it's pathetic, it's like the entire industry , people are waiting for lay off and expect to receive the servant check.
what a coincident, I run into Leehom again, in a small cafe, he came to me and give me a hug, we update our new contact and he promise to visit our office one day, this is a designed birthday party VIP in Sep. he looks fine and still energetic, I do hope my plan for him can work out somehow, his manager join a short discussion with me and talk about his coming big concert. wish what hit me is sweet dream , not nightmare.
Corbett is different, we talk about he future of mobile, how to position ourselves in China and catch the booming of mobile scene, not to be fooled by smart ass in China, the camera phone application service which I thought turn out to be a workable solution , Corbett demo the application to me and explained how it works, I do thinks this is a great breakthrough for camera phone user, we may deploy this service as soon as possible.
Weekday Ping Pong - the first time for us, sweat out always relax people, 3 and half hours exercise, all of the team members enjoy a wonderful night, I asked Sam to book the " Brown Sugar " for me tonight, this is what I want to show my Japanese colleage how lounge culture developed here in Taiwan. the ping pong fire seize by 10:40 pm, we book coming Sat. for another campaign ship, now we have a headache to find a new venue with air-condition, I leave this trouble to team members as I offered this place for 2 months, this is time for others' to contribute.

Professor CHUANG change the schedule to review my status for essay preparation, imitatively, I am planning to work on this by this weekend, as it move forward to tomorrow, will, it will kill my sleep tonight, but don't postpone it, otherwise, there won't be a day I credit my MBA program.