
Learn a few update about junior high school classmate, as " 30 years reunion " in one of my Top 10 wishes as " New Year resolutions ", I put a lot of efforts to make it a great one, contact with all the long lost classmate is an interesting job, with the assistant of my secretary and 2 other classmate, we move the big rock little by little; major achievement so far is found our teacher and make possible that he will fly back to Taiwan ( he relocate to the States for a long time ) and join this reunion; I send out 2 invitation letter but the response is low, and I try to do voice contact -- calling them, via a few middleman ( classmate as well ), we manage to contact 80% of our classmate; tonight 9 of us will meet in Taipei first and welcoming Teachers' return home.

one of our classmate passed away during the military service, another one is doing his time in jail ( a rare case from our school ), 4 or 5 professors teaching in university, 3 or 4 doctors service in hospitals, yes, 27th will be an interesting party, my job is to pulling everybody together, this is the task, I need to perform as hard as possible.

the movie " Confession of a dangerous mind " is an epic, it deal about one entertainment genius who double his function as an special agent in CIA and act as assistant for American government killing 33 people; this is the DVD I bought from China -- 7 dollar RMB, you may indulgence yourself for 2 hours of movie, it's a great bargaining, on my last trip, I bought 50 of the DVD, now I am consuming them whenever I am free at night.

Nice to have lunch with Ben and happy that he can share his knowledge and experience , in return, I reserved 2 Yoyo Ma's concert tickets for him, Ben grow up in a prestigious family and equip with first - grade academic background -- Stanford / engineering, and founded one of the top 4 internet portal in China -- Sina, we get to know each other by the EMBA Class and I share his brave story when we develop our friendship then, I do admire his talent and respect his fighting with the obstacles and find his way to success. I wish to continue our relationship in a health way.

Receiving the second invitation from YPO for the annual gathering, it's on Thursday, when seeing my name appearing on the guest list and associate with those big shot and tycoons, a wire feeling burst out , am I qualified to sit together with them ? how they see me ? then I develop a self-relief mentality , be what I am, cause I may never be them, be my guard to win respect, cause they don't equip with what I have, it ease my tension, I must present myself as nature as possible, as "ME ' as possible.

MOEA sending journalist and camera for a pre-interviewing yesterday morning, I was not informed earlier , so, everything happened naturally, I did a bi-lingual interviewing with almost perfect result, Yes, I impressed a lot of people, this is the other " Saving kit " which I have and other don't.

Mr. Chen called and say hello, she is a little bit nervous, I am glad he called and treats us as friends, it's been a while, I am thinking seeing him sometimes.