
Mid-Autumn Festival, fall in the 15 of the eighth month for Chinese Calendar, one of the 3 traditional holiday for people to reunion and get together, because the it's full moon, so, Chinese thought this is a day for the whole family to be together; as for moon cake, it comes from another ancient story, it was uses to hind the slip of letter in Ming Dynasty to inform all the rebels when to take their weapon and fight with the early Ching Dynasty -- Ming, rule by Han , but Ching was ruled by Man -- the difference race coming from east north of China.

the day before Moon festival, I was out in the afternoon after the lunch with Amos, this is the scheduled day to oust the manager, I am thinking not to be in the scene and having COO take care of it. the day before, I met the management company for the Software Park and arranged the " the worst case scenario ", obtaining the security director’s access number and inform the GM of the management company the routine once the red alart announce or the siren rings. COO called me by 7 pm and said to me the mission completed, she was clamed and accept this arrangement, everything was handled with care.

lunch with Amos, I learnt that Chen's -- another elementary school classmate internet company will be terminated soon, Amos been putting himself in the company helping it truing around for 6 months, but the effort was not pay off; coincidentally, the potential investor who happen to be my EMBA classmate, it's a small world, Ams is a very detailed person, thanks to his finance / auditing background, he always explain things in details when it come to conversation, this is fine with me, but not everyone in this world have enough time to learn all the details, he shall develop skill for focusing on most important thing and to response to one subject in 3 minutes; reconcile on matter is fine, sometime he will add up his options , this is fine as well as long as it didn't relate to value, you can hardly judge a person by his or her reaction to certain things, the instinct reaction is basically a camouflage or a oversize overcoat to protect he or she not to be hurt in the first place; in some cases, subconscious don't really matter, Amos is too serious in observe Mr. Chen and jump to the assumption that a lot of bad thing developed.

I spend the evening somewhere downtown, the moon shall be high up in the sky;

Thursday morning, the Mid-Autumn day, I call for morning Ping Pong session, we -- 4 persons spend another sweaty morning, I am doing pretty good , wind half of the session, I was a little bit lost when hitting Sam's wire serve, and I lost a few games, then I know the games is a combination of " strategy, reaction and skill ", I shall be smart enough before hit the ball hardly, to overcome my fear for Sam's serve, I decide to counter it with fast ball, this is a " one hit wonder ", if I make it, I win the point and vice versa, when taking this new tactic, my confidence regain and controlling almost all the games until the break time .

Lunch in Mulan with M. my old friend and colleague from Hawaii, M and I jointly set up the entertainment company in Taiwan back to 11 years ago, at that time, the parent company decide to terminate the licensee agreement and establish its own subsidiary, M come from New York with Wharton double master degree and speak very good English , as an American, he is the few person I met who really into the Taiwanese culture and build up strong relationship with people in Taiwan ( he even married with a Taiwanese lady ), I remember 11 years ago, we strolled on the street and found the new building in one isle and set up our new office there, we recruited every staff since them and sequence with code / number, he is No. 1, I am No. 2. up until today, No. 3 and No.4 are no longer in the world; the good days are we -- the late comer in the market gradually turn ourselves to the No. 2 notch in the very completive entertainment industry; as the performance was so bright, he's been chasing by lot of recruiting firms and after service 4 years with me, he move to his next level and become executive in the Asian Pacific Region serving for another mayor player; we -- indirectly become competitors, yes, there's time when the competition take place , it related to the talent war, pricing competition and raid for qualified executives; our relationship sours, even sometime I transform the feeling to the movie God father and told myself " this is only business ", but it won't easy, when the war for talent settle down, no one win the battle but the artist -- gain better treatment, package and become tougher to handle; we met after the mess, I accept his apology -- even now my wife warm me, never forget such a lesson , and we seeing each other occasionally; his depart from entertainment industry is not a big surprise to me, but his next venture is not clear for outsiders, the lunch we did it an affirmation of friendship, he in on his way to Beijing attend another Wharton classmate's wedding -- who I acquainted as well; we didn’t touch anything about business, topics surrounded by children, family, mutual friend and the current status.

we brought Fruit to Bruno -- a family style Italian restaurant to smooth her feeling toward her little brother, the boy and girls gesture in the family always happen, who gain more attention from parent , who's jealous about what, the show going on almost every day, so, we compensate Fruit with a parent and her along dinner , she is overweight, but watch her eating, you really detected that she enjoy the food so much and feel so happy when eating, how to balance it? her weight surpass her mother already, at grade 5, this is a little bit to much for her. but, what can I do?

I took Friday off to give myself a long holiday. me and my wife drove to Bali visitor an old friend, we did it a few times a year, we talk to him, and he will never talk back, he's been gone for almost 8 years, when chat with the administrator in the shrine, I surprised to know that after he is gone, none of his friend visiting him except us, I first word come out from my mouth is " He must be very lonely ", we stay short as usual, as it's quite early in the morning, I suggested to my wife why not visiting the archeology museum -- Shesanghung which I pass by a couple times before ? when we pay a visit to prehistory museum in Ping toug, we are interested in where did Taiwanese come from ? when the decision made, we drove from Bali to the museum, I am impressed by the architecture, so impressive, post modern and great combination of material and components, the very special spectacle is you can follow the stair way outside the building to the top of the museum and to overview the seashore of Taisum river and enjoy an outdoor capriccio with the knock-out scenery, the stairs was built on the dune shape roof, in the center of the building is a rectangle main construction which lean to the ocean 17%, this is a symbol of worship the sea and the never turn back lost of pre-historic heritage in Taiwan. we spend 2 hours there, the museum educated us the most important civilities in the history of Taiwan -- the Shesanghung discovering prove that people in Taiwan ( don't exactly know what race they are ) knows how to make iron and use the iron made tools, it depart the stone henge and become more civilized if we may put it. it was a quiet visit in the beginning before the tour buses send in hundred of students, the museum no longer be elegance, high school student is too young to appreciate arts or museum, they are here to fix the assignment or simply treat it as one of the outing, they don't really learned, grow ups like us and a much stronger motive to know what we don't know, appreciated what we can't produced. ages and experiences tell the difference.

the Black Shop offers great Taiwanese Deep Fried Rib as usual, this is an old restaurant located somewhere in Taisui, a restaurant which I enjoy the rib back to college days -- 25 years before, the shop become even popular today, even in weekend like today -- Friday, the crowed packed the restaurant, it seems everyone come to Samsui must come and taste it,

in the afternoon, we hide ourselves in a second-run movie theater, the high hope for Matrix 2 is a disappoint one, we spend like 6 hours in the dark room, this was not healthy, should not do it too often. my wife forget the crab we bought in Samsui and having dinner in the night market.

Sound had a assignment quarrel with his mother, I am the problem solving person, thanks god, I did it. This is a long weekend.