
New Hama is always the greatest Tanpenyaki restaurant in Taipei, clean, neat. stylish, high qaulity, excellent presentation and delicious food; I invite J here for lunch, J is the key network engineer manage who keep our live blood -- network running smooth and stable, he is condider to resign 2 weeks ago due to some frustartion happen in the office space; this lunch is not an retention lunch, but sharing for the work and improvement; I have no idea if my preach touch him or give him a new angle to look his decision; as I told him when sitting beside the stove- don't take emotional decison and don't surrender before fix the problem, don't leave without learn and grow; the food is good as usual, the convesation is full of quality, I thinks he will think more before this leap. a leap we really cound not afford this year. any contingency play ? to be honest, only in our mind, no solid action or planning yet, this is risky, if the service is down, horrible thing will happen and we may facing enormous pressure to keep our performance and to retain current customer.

The meeting with RB is to address the network quality as well, thy flew in the regioanl service director to tackle the problem we've been encoutnered, I am happy to review some insight before prepareing the meeting, such as " don't repeat the history, don't discuss why, but how, when and how to " and to instruct on a timly / speeding delicate team handling our problem, if we forgive the vendor, our customer won't forgive us, they will walk away, they won't wait for us, our compeitiors are hungry for subs we had. we are on our way to No.1. can't fall down now, if the fault cause by our vendor; it like hijacked by high tech, no alternation, no option and no contingency.

Hopefully, the experice happen today will solve the network problem and keep the best employee with us.