
A day with Steve Vai is the title for the day, we sponsor Steve's Asia tour in Taiwan, as the " Rock Empire " the promoter is a fan of mine -- yes, Space Chen, he bought record from me in his high school days, at that time, I were working part tim in a record shop specilized in rock records, he then move himself to the music business, a record label specilized in guitar musicians, a record shop and a rock promotor, the development of his music intention didn't reflect to a growth of wealth, but a drams fulfillment; a lot of poeple respect his courage but at the same time, doubt about his ablilty to run business.

We sponsor Steve for a number of reasons : I know him before and appricaite his character and music, a Sony artist, and to help Space a bit; to craft it to a retention plan is what we did, although the performance was not up to our expectation, but our people tried their best to accommodate this tie up.

I remebers last time when I see Steve, that was 4 years ago, On his first tour in Taipei, I inivited him to a lunch and prepare a Piba for him as a gift, he played as once, a ture musical talent. we share a few thoughs then, but I hardly recalled that he was a vegetarian. I've been to 2 of his prior concert in Taiwan, both of them leave strong imprssion to me, as a fan and a regular concert goer, his performance is a great experience to us, design and with a systematic structure, please his audience and appreciate their appearacne, this is how he win all the follower after 25 years of touring.

to prepare myself to a meeting and greeting today, I check his website a few times and learnt that we were born in the same year, he built his website comprehensively, a very user friendly interface and I did check what he posted on the website to communicate with his fans, this is a remarkable task, keep a very close distance with his fans and buliding the intamacy around.

the press conference is in a chaos, lack of experices and short of manpower turn Space and his team in a bad situation, but, it doesn't matter, Steve bring Billy Sheehan to the press conferecne together, the run down is simple yet complicate, this time, I prepare a Crystal Glass for him, a Budda shape statue made by Workshops , as I know he is into Zen and Oriental very much, so this piece of art work should fit his need, what's the connection between Broadband Internet service provider with a rock musician ? well, I linked them with " Quality, Speed and Services ", it matched perfectly.

Space didn't know how to handle the meet and greet dinner with me, as he is a vegetarian but his crew don't want to eat vege. so Space asking my opinion, FU-YUANG is the idea place come to my mind, where you can enjoy the pure Chinese flavor and the food they provide suit everyone there, the only problem is " too expensive ", I have a idea to spilt the bill and pay for porting , but Space insist to host the dinner, so , beat it.

I was arranged to sit next to Steve duirng the dinner, we talked a lot, share a lot, as expected, we were closed, he is a decent person with a great heart, try his best to send good message via music and self-despline well. we share this value and agree upon good rock music didn't associated with drug, alchocol; I've been thinking of putting him and YOYO MA to a collaborater work, it must be fun, or or putting him to perform with Chinese Orchastra , this is fun as well; the other idea come up from my heart is a national campaign to educated a good attitude to music and liveing to teenages in Taiwan, he seems keen about this idea and asked me to have a well-thought plan then discuss with him; I would like to think a great project to incorporated this beautiful dream.

we had a good time talking, the benefit to eat in Fu Yuang is listen to Piba performing while the waitree service the meal, the beauty of Pipa impressed all the guitar players, Billy Sheehan and Dave Weiner were there, the player is a fan of Steve, she asked the autogrofy and photos with Steve and Steve enjoy a few minutes of playing Piba at the restaurant.

the last thing they did before leaving restaurant is to sit on the emporer's chair and taking photos. like every tourist did, a snake alley tour is on the schedule, I didn't go with them, when Steve asked to see me after ths show, I am happy , well, as my age, this is kind of loading instead of fun, but, I shall let him see me after the concert tomorrow.



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