
I was upset last night due to my forget to bring back business cards, as this morning , the service industry pre-meeting on Telecom and Media chaired by Minister of MOTC ( Ministry of Transportaion and Communication ), I shall meet a lot of big shot at the meeting, lack of business card is a mistake can't be forgive; well, I am wrong, I don't really want to exchange card with other participate, and there's no opportunity for me to conduct the social behavior at the meeting. to be honest, this is one of the terrible meeting I've been attened which were organized by such a high ranking ministry.
as the Service Industry become a new initative by the A-Bien administration, the Ecomonic Development Committe conduct a meeting and Prime Minister Yu point out 12 main catagrory to be highted and follow with action plan, to meet with the target grand meeting scheduled on Sep. 2, the grand meeting will invited President Chen to announce this new national comeptition power to all the people in Taiwan, in order to achieve it, all 12 service sector need to organies pre-meeting before the dead line, meeting is one of the priority, the other prioity coming from Prime Minister's instruction is to have " Strategic Imply " and a " Flagship Project " to be exercised.
I am crossing 2 setors among these 12 initatives -- the telecom / media and the culture and creative industry, today, the telecom and media session was so bad, let me list down those improfessionals below :
1. the opening speech for Minister consist with a few very important " English ", it embarassed Minister as a few word, he didn't know how to pronunce.
2. Co-hosting committe members didn't join the session from the beginning.
3. Time control bad.
4. Presentor on stage while her cellure phone rings at her seats
5. Encourge open idea exchange but telling everyone to end the meeting by noon.
6. A very flattered prject title " ABIEN Project " -- Advance Broadband Integrated e-Service Network.
during the discussion session, I raised my hand and point out my views as :
1. Broadband industry is totally different from Bandwidth Industry, one is an infrunstarture driven model, one is a consummer demand / supply view point.
2. If turen copper line ( ADSL ) to fiber ( FTTX ), the , they should invited all the second type telecom to join the discussion, otherwise, the market will be swept by Fix lines, the domination will remain and all the type 2, espcially ISP will be kicked out from the market.
3. Don't treat Korean as the standard country nor the benchmark country.
My pitch to In. at Head office seems works, he is impressed by my presentaion and willing to help this social contribution activity, he is a person with a same mind as I, and I belive he will come up with a even better scenario to Full Shot Communicaiton Foundation.
Wrap up coffee with Barbie, tomorrow will be her last day of internship with us, during the converstaion, I fully understand she is not unhappy and work very independant, the last night I share with her is her " Identity ",  as I observed she don't want to buy a Sony Erisscson phone in Taiwan with a very good price ( my friend ship price ) because the keyped enbedded with Chinese Phonongpy, I notice this and honestly told her the " Identity " problem will always be an important issue to her, there will be one day " Root " will hit her and she will redigest the blood in her body, this is kind of heavy to her, but, I love to share it in advacne.
Farewell Coffee with S. after Barbie, asking her to leave all the sorrows and leave with a happy mood. a Charly Doll is the gift for her.



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