
Nature overrule everything; when the family gatheirng at the Tapei airport, checking in and inspection were so smoothly, we were excited about the soon to be realized family trip in half an hour, after the quick breakfast in the airport, I walked to the gate and found the red LED announced the delay of the flight due to the bad weather " Bad weather " cause the Huilian airport temperory closed, the airline didn't know the airport will reopen, we were sit and wait with no confirmed scheudle, the final answer arrived by 10:10 am when the airline announce the cancle of the flight , it supposed to fly on 9:10, Fruit's tear falling down her face, she took the trip much serious than her study at school. Sound is OK with any change of scheudle, he only asked for an compenstation to Tamsui where he can enjoy some steet game and possiblely for him to win some prizes; by 11:00 am, we decided to cancel the whole trip and went home, we make an alternavie plan of driving to Dauliu -- my hometown and to check where my father is after the Typhoon hit central Taiwan.

the alternative venture wins kid's welcome, the challenge is to have my wife drove more than 5 hours on the road to a totally new place by a luxury car -- the stress level is pretty high on her, she willing to take this mission and prepare herself for the trip; we started from my house by 12:00 am buougt 3 lunch box and ate them in the car, the drove on the highway is smoothly, we arrived Daiolui by 4:00 pm, now we need to find where my father is and to identify the exact location, to reflesh from my memory, we drove to MAYLIN ( The Plum Forest ) and asked more than 10 persons where is the place ? the last one we asked told us the little house where my father live is now blocked by the falling stones, the transportion and communication have been stopped for 2 days, but we don't need to worried, the road is accessable by foot and he were out buying some food yesterdsay, we ( my wife and 2 kids ) decided to perform a rescue plan and decided to find him and bring him out today, as we approch the barracade road, we met 2 persons, to be sure of our direction, I asked them again, the answere is they just see my father and got out of the place, we walked there in 20 minutes, he is excited to see 2 grand sons there, take him out and we check in one local hotel in Daoliu, this is a day without attraction. the secret I discoverd is how my son -- Sound fancy about the magic and he told me he can trade one arm with the magic, the left arm is for performing magic, I am surprise to know his secret that day.

day 2, in the early morning, I bring Fruit out for local breakfast, we stroll by the old house where I've grow up with, it decay now and no body living inside, it was the domitary of police officer, and the old house is a Japanese style house which tell the history of the house, adapte from the Japnesee occupipation untiel KMT era; the Lingun street stand still and my memory is clear and flesh.

I book Janfusan Fancy World for the second night stay without telling 2 kids, this is to be trade with their good behavior; in the moring, we accompany father to adjsute his teethe in one old frind the dential clinie, Mr. Liao who is Dr. Liao, we are kid friends before and now he is the doctor of the city; White Horse Temple is the destination we went after the clinic, I had an idea to visit this temple before the test, so, this is a visit with purpose, we saw LAMA singing and murmuring, it's so peaceful, after this, we found the old restaruant for lunch and then I announce our next desnestion - Jenfusan, the kids are celebrate, we arrived by 12:30, it rains cats and dogs, but for kid, rainning can't stop them from playing, so I took them to the fancy world by 1:30 they are so excited about the attractions and indoor playgound. we did our dinner at the Prince Hotel. after kids are satified, we did a night tour to the attractions again and wathc one of the show in the Rainbow theater. after 10:00pm me and my wife dicede to chekc the famous Taiwan Coffee and drove to Wasan -- famous for its great view and coffee, we drove up to the peak and find a coffee called " The view " and enjoy the scene and drink some.

third day morning, kid did their final round to the attraction again, when driving back, I found an interesting restaurant and we checke the Ostring meal for the first time and find 10 birds to play with. heading home after dring coffee in another country yard cafe. we arrvied Taipei by 6:30 pm



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