
how lucky I am to have a close encoutner with 3 of the top culture and art leaders in Taiwan for the last 3 months, first I met Mr. Bai shen yun at TPO gathering, last night I met 2 others all together in one occastion, they are Mr. Chiang Shung and Mr. Lin Hui Ming; as they are renowned celebrity in Taiwan, I am really exciting to see them in such a small group, we had the dinner box prepared by director Wu Yi Fung at his home studio before premiurm of his current documentary work " Life ", the dinner topic is " the nude runner at campus ", these culture celebrity really suppor this innocent and naive student and I really impressed by Mr. Chiang's oppinion about the generation gap, he prefer to conduct a " dialouge " instead of a " confrontation " to easy this issue and to re-examine the value propostion between 2 or 3 generations in Taiwan, this is a great case to study and to review, I am a good listener and I am happy to sit around them.

the documentary film " Life " is an epic, I love it, my heart keep pumping after the " shooting of new wedding photo " scenes, Director Wu spend 5 years, shooting 3000 films in 3 yeras and editing for a year, which come up with 7 epic documentary recorded the life after the tragedy 921 earthquake in Taiwan. " Life " is the pilot run from the 7 documentary, it last for 2 and half hours, according to Director Wu, this is an edit version from a 4 hours cut, the story begin with Director Wu's persoanl attachment to his father and a friend and guilding to a 4 story devleopment from the victim of 921 earthquate which took more than 2000 lives in Sep. 21 1999, the 4 independent stories reflect to how the " Rebirth " of live take place and how they face the live and fortune in front of them, on university student who lost all the family , surviving by herself and her brother, 2 teenage sisters lost their parent and move to a sub-city for living, a couple lost their elder girl and give birth to a new child, 2 overseas worker lost 2 kids and their grandmother who recovered themself from the trouma by shooting new wedding photos and planning to have 2 new kids. this most touching part is when these survivor writing letters to the lost relative in one year, the letter release the unforgetable feeling and the humanity who saw it will defenitey leave a marvick in their heart, I promise myself to " Do something " for this series of epic document and helping re-discovered the long lost rebirth spirit in Taiwan.

I sent Mr. Hochen home by midnight, he is one of the great support to this documentary series, we talk nothing but how to make this idea and dream alive and keep the fire and passion buring. a very intersting encouter and experience.



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