I did wake up at 5:10 this morning, this is a tough mission for me, when browsing my rough article. I knew there's are lots of work to do and I need to rationalize my point and fix the broken format as well, this is a construction to be carrid in next 48 hours; the first session took me 3 hours, I almost stuck in one phase and can't be released from the trap. then I realized the priority is to fill the word and pages making the thesis looks good, then my oral test will be a real test for the graduation; I have time to fix the paper after the orla test, but if I didn't deliver the draft version by Thursday, then , I don't think any professor have a ground to help me.
the morning break is for breakfast, during a short break, I watched the old JOURNEY DVD footage, Steve Perry is really the best vocal ever in the hard rock era, only 20 minutes, it gave me great pleasure to carry on my writing mission; 1:00 pm in anothe break, then father came home, it is an opportuniy to call it a day, I called my ping pong partner and asked if they are interested in exercise for 2 hours before the dinner, everyone said yes, so, we have a sweet afternoon and it keep my circulation in good shape.
dinner at the flesh fish restaurant, we enjoy the food as before, as I am th person who provide health club couple for everyone,so, I am the guest of the night, sharing the honor together with our new champaign -- Osking, he return from his long journey in China and share a few interseting journey finding with us, to keep the 21 days rule, I am writing this blog before my night session for the thesis, I am in a mood of fix the thesis, I will do it right after that.
multimedia text / picture of me
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