
I made it this morning, when decided pay more attendtion to my thesis writing, I asked K. drove me to Shing-Yang street where the K reading house is -- I check the website last night and decided to check the " Star reading house ", I arrived by 8:15, buy a new members card and booking for the morning session, my seat number is 307b -- it cost me only 50 NT for the morning - 10 NT for issuing the new membership and 10 NT for every hour, the card is the key to the reading room, the room is design for reading environment, my seats is a twin seat, 2 person share the same area, when I begin my thesis writing, next seat is open, then my neighbor arrvied, I think she is an old customer, she open the lock in front of the desk, pull out a curtain and hang it between us -- yes, the privacy then bulid, this is an interesting experience, I paid full attention to the writing and the productivity is great; I am thinking of taking one day here every week before end of June, then I might able to submit the draft and garner the permission for oral test;

after the lunch break, I tried the other place, the AV gallery- the AV specility shop run by my friend, he rented a 4 stories buidling and redecorate to a post mordent AV gallery - on the 4th floor , he open a private cafe for friend, a quiet place with excellent coffee, no one there except me, an idea place to change ambience and continue writing, I managed to do another hour of writing, the result is paid off -- 30 pages of book is ready, and my level of confidence regained. take a break in the cafe and read the book " the road less traveller " -- the Chinese version, it's a big bang to me, the opening chapter " displine " is the perfect guidance for my theis writing " take the hard job first, you may enjoy rest of the happiness " " deal with difficulty first, then you will be free from it " Scott Peck telling a financial executive's story to inspire others -- if she deal with the tough issue early in the morning -- say -- the first hour, the she may enjoy easy job for rest of the 7 hours in the office, the other way around, if you leave the hard one the last issue to deal with, you may suffer the first 7 hours ( as you know you have to face it in the end ), he also mentioned how kids don't want to complet their homework before playing even though they know after it, they will enjoy a non-stop amusement ? it's displine -- when parent teach their chirldren not to do it, basically they don't follow what they say, or simply instucted to their kid " Do as I say, but don't follow what I am doing " the double standard confused the kid -- as parent is the hero to their kid when they are little, the role mode confusion lays the uncertainly for the kids; this is a great lession, Scott quote someone said " only the painful experience contribute to the good lession "

My P900 shut down a couple times these day, an expensive toy , the complexcy and refinary mechnism make it vurulable, I make myself the courier to the sister company and try to have someone fix it, unfortunatey, no techinisan in the office, I can only take one seat and start my blog of the day.



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