
Fleshing from the HBO movie just now, a simply story base on a ture cast, the story talked about a gambleing addicted bank executive, how he manipulate the loan and get himself a big credit as a high roller in Atlantic city; I learning from it is : don't be too sure about yourself, onec you addicted to something, it will follow you anyway you go, just like the shadow under the light; the human nature is : no one knows when to stop, if you win, you want more, if you loose, you want to get it back; the movie reflect to my brother in las who's a gambler too, and he tramped in the gamble soo deep that no one want to keep relationship with him; we gamble too, in all area but casino,
man developed problems / bad habits on the way of growing up; how strage it is? become an adult , then you are free to do what you can't before?

Lunch with EMBA classmate -- not class C, but International Business Gruop, Professor Wu is on his sabatical and coming back to Taipei, to take this opportunity, we gethering in one fusion restaruant and spend 3 hours; a casual lunch and free style talking, the NIKE issue is on the table as well as the GM of NIKE is our classmate, although he is absent from the lunch, 2 of his classmate take his stand and told us something behind the scent; I am not convincing by this story and I personally handle a few media / artist / consumer crisis before; To give an offical apoligy in the first place will easy the overall situation, under extream pressure , then diliver message to public will never obtain applause and won't smooth the anger coming from the consumer and been ampfiling by media; I also share my experence of why we building our relationship with media, the ultimate purpose is not for promot us or new product, but to minimize the damage once the company or product encounter big problem; NIKE is a great marketing company, but it dosen't means they are excellent in handling PR issues; the presidental eleciton / gun shot was one of the lunch topic as well, one of our classmate, John , he could not come, becaues he have to climb YU-Shan -- the highest mountin in Taiwan, this is request by his current political acdemice pursue -- he enrolled in the Kaidaglan University -- the political camp run by DPP for training future Green leaders; according to some of the classmat at presence, doing business in Taiwan, you need to take side, now green rule, your political correction will pay off somehow; what interested is across strait, they are beating up the so-call " Green Merchant ", they call someone's name and putting hurdles in the investment they made in China to show all the Taiwan Merchant the price they should pay if they strongly support Green in public.

wife pick me up after the gathering, we drove home take Fruit with us and heading for Sheng Kung -- a local small village turn a tourist spot; the development of Shen Kung is the same as JuFang - a used mine village now become the nostalgia place for younger generation; as the old street turn tourist spot become popular, we see little difference between them, the up side for us is we live much closer to Sheng Kung than Ju Fang -- only 30 minutes drive, we will find ourself an old Taiwan will vendor / local delicacy and attraction; I love the peanut cookie produce by an old shop, crispy and tastety; after a short visit, we drove to Sheding and check how Sound'd doing with his grand father; as this naughy boy fight with her mother this morning agian, he miss the pre-appointment with his grand father, his mother urge him to finish his homework before going out, he yell and shout again, the peace come after I went for the lunch; after fixing homework, my wife drove him to my grand father before pick me up; we arrived by5:30, my father bought this little stone house 20 years ago and renovate to his private hide away . simply and less decorate, he usually stay here to do his calligragy or writing old Chinese Poems for his friend; my father is good as putting couples name as the heading of the poem, then follow with good meaning in each phases; this unique talent make him popular and welcomed ( the other is TaiChin -- his been teaching Taichi for 3 decades ); the stone house now belong to my sister -- we ( me and my wife ) didn't asked any property from my parent, so since the change of owner, we sledom come to this summer house; the view is gourgou here, facing green mountian, you have a river in front of you and in the garden, my father construct a pond with fishes swimming; Kids love this palce, espaecilly in summer time.

we had a dinner in a near by country restaurant, the thems of the restaurant is " the early Taiwanes Style ' food is OK but the ambient is great, we enjoy the breeze and sceneray out of the window.

Home by 8:00pm , next week will be a busy week, the negociation with majoy carrier is a never ending story, thanks God we have COO who really love this game and won't get tired of the negocitition process and stragy.

AJ called in last afternoon and asked a faove of seeking one out of stock VIAO model, accoring to him , the request is down from the HOUSE, little princess wish to have this model and Madamn follow with a few friend, I am not quite sure AJ is in first tier of helping list or not, but quite an unusual experience. this remind me how SONY STYLE saved YPO party last night and Thanks God I am in a right place in the right moment.



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