
Homosexer Homocide -- the murder's name is exactly the same as Meloday -- my good friend and insurance account, she wrote an article to her friends taking about the " chaning of someone's fortune " idea, indeed, no one know what a " Good name " bring or alter someone's life, Chinese fortune teller devloped a few techniques to tell someone's future -- by looking his / her face ; reading palm, assemble birth sign and timing of birth; your birth animal or your name - the symbol reflect to your character; to predict future is a Chinese way of phycological theraphy; Chinses go to doctors maily for physical treatment, they don't feel mental sick or seeking phycological help when they have problem in mind, so they go to fortune teller, who cure their heart, solve their uncertanity, easy their stress and provide " Positive " answer, this is the procedure of mental treatment, Chinsed have their own way dealing with mental issues. Meloday didn't want to change her name, she enjoy the little happiness, little enjoyment, little achievement and little monetary support; less content enrich your heart, I wish her too hold this attitude until the end of the world.

the first encounter with Mr. Yu -- for bridge the business model developed by Mr. Lin -- my very new role as a match-maker in business arena; we met in Regent Club, I observed how Mr. Lin convince the stranger to belive in his technology ( although we didn't witness it yet )and buying his business model -- a frienchilding concept -- buy raw material from them, building the manufactue and distribution channel by the other party and paying licencing fees / royalty / tech know how transfer percentage to him in return with a revolutionary new materil in application crossing varies industry; this is a sexy approch, Mr. Lin don't obtain the big corporate experience, didn't run a company up to 100 people and know little about business negociation; I am exchange my credit for this appointment; so after the first round, we set down and review what message he delivered and what conuter issue raised by Mr. Yu and how to response to all of them before entering next stage; next week, I arrange a much bigger boss to meet him, the review and rehearsal is a must, I can't affort to wax my reputation this time.

the private talk with second largest ISP in town is positive, he followed my direction, I make it very clear that we will achieve the co-op goal for sure and will not let anything block in our way, this is for surviving, for business operaiton , so this is the story I told him. before our luch, the media gathering is an educational process, 3 big shot in the industry guilding reports about the relationship between type1 and 2 telecom operator and how the unfair competition suffer the long term development of next industry.

went home early tonight and taste the great food prepared by my wife, as the night is still young, we drove to the Taipei city zoo Mall and enjoy a cup of " TCBY ", it's a wonderful night.

take a glace at the short documentary " Little immigrate " the documentary was produced by CCTV , it covered the story of the piorneer of Chinese kid study abroad, the time was 120 years ago and ther are 100 of them, the film documented each of them and making a very touch and historic valued film, I don't know when and why it broadcasted in Taiwan, I switch chennel and found it, bt 15 minutes of viewing, I have a disire to see them all. turn to Channel 53( PBS ) after it, the program is highlight the junior high school education system in Taiwan, the debating in on -- shall we classified student by their attribution or shall we follow the normal distrubition method to allocate students; the producer for this program is a good one, the program is full of her creativity and the presentiaon of this " Hard topic " soften by her dramatic touch on the program design, such as the musical intepretation of the message, which is the brightest part in the program. a very good program in Channel 53.



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