
I joint the farewell committee's meeting today for discussion the company trip, empolyee company trip is a tradition in Taiwan, this was cause by the booming of ecomonic in mid-80th, at that time, overtime is essential for workers and the manufacturing industry was the main exporting business in Taiwan, to keep / retain and reward employees, almost all the local factory / company introducing the overseas company trip as , an incentive to recurit new worker , thanks to the manufacuring growth, trading and bussiness sector grow as well. all the local company adapt the trip as an tradidtion, international company have to follow the local practice to retain the employee they hire.

When I was the head of Sony Music 8 years ago, that's really a hey day for music industry, I break a few records and set some new rewarding system, company trip become a big deal for employee in Sony Music Taiwan, we've done the famous " Swissland / Italian Trip ", a 9 days trip covered Swissland and Italy. this is the topic for many ex-Sony Music employee, and it do cause some management problem for my superior than, why Taiwanese company can enjoy this prestigus only? giving the fact that we are the tier one company doing great job and earning decent margin for the parent, so, the journey continue ---- Brisbun Australia; Bali ; Pukate;

the new start up didn't earn itself the reward for incentive trip, but as an tradition, I do encourge our company to take up this activity as a method of buliding the team, forming a musch rapport company; last year, we do a inbound trip -- Hulian and Taitong, it was really fun, the trip we took is an luxury one, best hotel , best food,.. this year, I propose an oversean trip, they are picking a few location such as Bali, Hong Kong and Okinawa -- Okinawa is what I suggested as the flight time is only 45 minutes and you can enjoy the totally new experience. we they need to conduct a poll before decide the place, I sublty ask the committe member to exercise on this location and do some pre promotion.

Okinawa is the first place I visit out of the country, and this is my first oversean trip -- a honey moon trip, that's almost 18 years ago, I recalled the day of departure, Eric Liao -- my colleage voluntee to pick me up to the airport, but his was delayed, he drove like craze on the super highway and we finally make it to the airport on time; that's 18 years ago, Eric got married and divoced, we lost contact for about 6 years, his brother -- my classmate in colleage is another missing link.



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