
My daughter asked me to find a Taiwanese ( Fochanese ) folk song for her, and teach her how to sing it, this is one of the homework form school, she is now 12 and in her primitive school grade 5; since Chen Shui-Bai administrate took over the reigm of this country in 2000, pro-Taiwan and de-China is a core concept in his adminstrative operation, we see a lot of new Taiwan concept and constructions and the Taiwan ideoloigy have been promoted all over the world, some claime it a pre-indepency activity, and some claim it that this approch will driving China mad and might lead to the war between Taiwan and China; I am not a politician, have no commet on this big picture, but as a father, I do follow the minor change but giant inpact on the text book development.

My son is now on his first grade, I read both of their text book, when it come to History or Social topic, the Taiwan spirit jump so high that our kid can only accept it, the foundemental change will make our next generation agree with Taiwan but not China at all, no matter it in culture recognition or geografice recongition; my son need to practice Taiwanese every week, the pronoucation is so difficult, as Taiwanese is dilect, it's spoken language, no written pattern have been developed before, it's tought for both teacher and student, learning new languare is good thing, but, leaning dilect won't do any good for the future of kids.

Once I told a senior person that we ( middle 40's ) are in the trasaction era, I don't agreen with totally green or totally blue, but since the green take over the controlling power, they educate our kids all the green thought, green spirit and green value, when our kids grow up, we will have a fight with them, cause they know nothing but the independency and viewpoint from the green authority, the new genaration gap will not come from the monetary or living style, but very possibly coming from the nationalism.

a few people sent their children abroad for study Chinese now, they believe to learn Chinese in China is the purest way, I didn't follow this assumption as Red China need to inject their ideolology throught all forms of eductional system, our kids can't espcape from this toxicated methodology as well. Parent is very import, they need to find a nutural way to teach and adjust their children, give their children a broader view to see the world.



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