
Turbulence occurred after the lunch with Jean, I almost pass the torched of " emotion and logic " when the PBS opportunity proposed in front of me; as my wife is so against the idea of my considering taking this dramatic career switch, she told me, this is the interpretation of " Retire in early " or " Withdraw from the business battle filed " and this message represent it that way; I am not so sure if her opinion is right, but I value her weights whenever making decent decisions; I thought the up and down of my mind will last less than 24 hours, as I briefing told 2 of my classmate and they are sore of favor my wife's comments ( or instinct ), it coming back when Jean told me her opinion about it, she strongly convince me to accept it, she told me this is once in a life time opportunity, no matter how I set my goal to take it on 50 or not, it may not knock on my door by my 50th, and advise me the " Public Platform " is much greater than any private sector, this experience will ultimately help me transfer to a larger scale of media executive position in next few years, because I need the training in other media arena and PSB service this purpose for me, I can easily ride on it and take full speed and be the greatest PBS executive ever; I told my wife at night, it seems she don't want to response immediately, she had a dream to emigrate somewhere in the near future and making room for free air, making herself in the environment without surveillance shadow and to breathe the flesh air of " living with her own family ", my swift career to stay longer in Taiwan will break her dream, even it is only a dream, by to take the PBS offer will definitely need me to stay in the island for another 4 years, since I make an appointment with my meteor Harold, I need his honesty advise on Monday, will I lie to my wife if Harold ask me not to take the PBS offer ? I don't know, my heart keep telling me this is my final destination.

I understand the process of applying for this position take time and take risk, I am not 100% confidence about the lobbying party who plan to escalate me to the position, I am not sure if the challenge is clear and all director in the board share the same vision as well, as I know it once I accepted it and it approved by Executive Yang, then I will lose my private life little by little and I will measure my life in different rule and think bigger ,think others, think people in Taiwan and think deep. tonight I elaborate this subject with my wife again, she didn't react so emotional this time, I told her if everything goes as the lobbying group planed, then I will pursue doctoral degree in the PBS tenure.. the idea of working in PBS is firmament and the it influence me little by little.

Last Friday, wife pick me up after work, we went for the movie " The day after tomorrow ", I knew this is a disaster movie and knew there must be some human point in between, yes we know the earth will divesting and we know human being will no longer existing, but we don't know when and we don't know how, the glory of human nature is the light helping us gone through all the difficulty, I brought my wife to this Hollywood typical " Genre movie " is because I was depress for about a week, the thing to cheer me up is to know " we will all die someday ", then no problem I should eat and no frustration I should not overcome.

Saturday evening, we bring the family to the old restaurant " Silver Wing ", the restaurant establishing for half century, we order a lot of food, I was thinking of the " Crispy Duck " for a week since I had it last week, I can't forget the philosopher said " those who eat for a living is wise man, live for eating is fool " I shall be in top of the fool notch, but I can't help enjoy good meal in varies occasion. went home earlier, before Sound's TV time, mother and son have a big quarrel again, this time, the emotional level raise up to what I can't ignore, but it also reflect to a buried memory that was the days when I have a big fight with my wife, the game we play is repeated in front of us; I smiles when saw they fighting the same way , after this , I told my wife what I see and why I laughs, it glue the relationship much quicker, the reward is a family DVD time - we watch the Discovery special " Future animal " ( this is a wrong title, I make it up to finish my writing ), it deal with the future animal and species when the earth in no longer a place for human beings and how it developed in 500 m and 1000 millions after.

Sunday is a Sun day, we bring the little one to a Keelung / Coast Highway trip, eat sea food and watch a lot of seas; after it, I brought my wife to a second run movie " Runaway Jury ", this is my second time saw it, I saw it before on the airplane, as I know this story will satisfy my wife, so, we did again, of course, she didn't know that I watch it already.

next week will be another week battling with Dominate carrier, Chairman of the board flying over on Monday night for the negotiation, we scheduled meetings with governmental body and with the carrier, I believe we have a strong case, but I know the triumph will not come so soon, I am in between -- between Taiwanese and Japanese, I don't have a solid ground to prove anything.

Steve Vai sponsorship confirmed, I like Space -- the promoter and I like Steve, hope he recall the memory that we present him a PIPA as a souvenir when he made his first visit to Taipei.

Reconnected with C. over the phone, she win her degree from Beijing University, it's been a long time since she got married and so on... I need to asked her about th PSB,I need to talk to her.



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