
Hosting a dinner with CIC management team ( CIC represent for Customer Interactive Center -- in short, service or call center )tonight at an old Chinese restaurant, the restaurant had a 55 years history; this is the first time I invited CIC key members for a private and casual dinner, cause I am not so familiar with them and I seldom create the chance for them to know me better; I had a plan to hosting meal with all the dept. key members with my own expenses, as I receive the first bonus from the company in past 3 years, I would like to show my gratitude to those who build the company to where is are today.

the dinner topics is wild, from movie to sports interest to family, I had a good time with them, CIC is the dept. which recruit high-quality people working together, we put the CIC next to main office, it demonstrate we " S. " treated them equal, and we value the first line service staff.

yesterday afternoon, I scheduled 3 performance appraisal in line and having a new round of conversation with the marketing team, which I acting for 3 months and now hand it over the new manager, during the PA and conversation, ( I value the conversation higher then PA, as I am the person who seldom follow the rate / rank / score ), I found the new manager is under pressure, although we had a coffee last week ( she invited me for coffee and seeking my advice to some management issues ), it seems to carry the dept. head burden is heavy for her. I will consult and guild her more next week.

the coffee break with J. this afternoon is good, I am telling " My Story " chapter by carpet to him, by doing so, I subtly guild him and teach him the way I see thing and the way I develop my career after my service to the army.

after the conversation, when walking back to the office, I saw D.S in the hall way, we encounter for a few second, what a coincident, My schedule to meet him is next Monday ( by the time I met him, the schedule haven’t fixed yet ), I called my wife about this surprise, she figure out who I am going to asked and reply to me " treating everything in normal way "

Amos Chang -- primary school classmate come to see me, we had a quick lunch then I go through his thesis and give him my opinion and provide some angles for his continue writing, it seems my simply touch helped, is it strange that I am half way down my own thesis yet worried about my friend. he's been out of work for almost a year, right now he is focus on the thesis writing , I know he need more advise from me, but, I am not in the position to grant career assistance, all I can do is buying him some meal, helping him completed thesis and obtaining degree smoothly, or maybe sharing his informing regarding other primary school students. I fell comfortable when reviewing his article and can easily sequence the order of importance, then provide the “what’s next " scenario to him, I finished everything within 2 hours.



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