
Avoiding lunch crowd in software park, I took my privilege to arrange my schedule and taking an early lunch today, no business lunch is rare for me, I walk along the park hall and find a tiny little Cantonese Restaurant, what I ordered for lunch is typical Cantonese sweet BBQ pork , thanks for the early bird scenario, I managed to have my first Starbucks by 12:00, the peak hour for Starbucks begin from 1:00 pm, exactly the time when everyone having their lunch and thinking of consume the coffee.

there are not many people in the coffee shop, store manager recognize me and prepare my Latte immediately, when look around the before lunch customers, they were talking business table by table, suddenly an idea come to my mind -- why some conduct business conversation or arrange meeting at their own convenience -- such as you pay visit to him and follow his itinerary; some need to accommodate others' schedule ? This is an unbalanced situation, the cost is different, the position is different; why some can conduct meeting conversation in 5 star hotels and some can only afford coffee shop ( some less-branded coffee chains provide cheaper coffer as well ( in price not in quality ); everyone making living, some live humble for entire life, some climb the corporate latter to the top, some become entrepreneur, and some Hardly make a living at all.

all walk of life share some equal resources : such as 24 hours a day; only live once ; own will to choose his attitude; be happy is a serious matter, as the book I read before, if materially we can matching up, there are other means and measures to live a better life, all I want to say is " you can be happy without decent income " you have the right to choose, don't ignore it and don't let someone control your happiness.

Contribute my other article to So-nether this morning, the article relate to the " Gourmet and Data Mining ", an article I wrote one year ago, it looks fresh to me when reading it this morning; the theme is " Customer Experience Matter ", I don't know how many of our employee will read So-neter -- our inter company publication, and how many will read my article throughout and how many will digest and turn the data to their own knowledge.

I don't know how to open mouth to others and convince them to invest on Eagles live, this is not my way of handling things, I promise Ella to do it this week, but, I really don't know how to open my mouth, I really don't know.

Wife in favor of my second-though about the possible offering, she is not in line with my original idea of “join and change it ", when touch upon the conversation with EMBA classmate and Learn how they analyze conglomerate, I fear that “Professional Manger “will be buried.

the retention meeting this morning is focused on " my website " concept, when raising the question of " who put our side as the top page at their device " and " how to convince them to do so ? ' I found we are not frame the chattels and measure the purpose yet; but when understand this new service is mainly for our subscriber, then I change the strategy of my websites position from top page to " bookmark ", it works, we spend like 90 minutes to discuss how we feel about this service and how our customers expect we to design the my website for them.



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