
Lunch with Singtel at Shaing palace, I don't treat it like another interview, but to enjoy a casual meal with a telecom expert and executive, as I am easy and calm, he talked more than I response, when touch upon the issue of " why I consider the position " and " Who they are looking for ? , I send a message of " what they should looking for is an executive with concrete telecom back ground ", I think he understand what I means, so, to me , this is a farewell to the offer, recruiter follow the step and call me, they inform me the final decision will be made by this Thursday, I have the answer in my heart already, I am not hope for any news, Harold's opinion echoes to what my wife said, don't be insulted before the offer, otherwise, you will be insulted for the entire tenure; as I am free to choice who I am working for, I shall keep this precious moment to digest what I really want.

Harold is always the inspiration to me, try to catch what he said like : thinks in 10 years from now, not only 3 years, looking for China but with an uniform which everyone recognized; finding the niche to provide your service, then fame or fortune will come; public media is a political position in Taiwan as well, be a entrepreneur someday. The PBS potential is not in line with what he mentioned, but, shall I telling the white lie.. Do I follow my heart or do I follow someone else's?

He urge me to integrate my " everything " and be the leader in business world. I bring the pine apple cake for him, me and my wife bought from Keelung yesterday, he likes it, the quarterly mental shower rich my soul, yes, the direction is open, don't be too stupid to look for answers, this is the reflection of mirrow, in the end, you have to control your own destiny.


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