
I talked to my wife in bad last night before sleep, I talked a lot, for about an hours I think, after measure the blood presure, the figures was not pleasing, high presure rose to 150, and low presure up to 96, maybe I didn't follow my eating rule last week, I should be more careful about my eating; the subjects which I talked was the relationship between our company, the dominater carrier, me and Chairman, as I though I am walking on the thin ice, the relationship between me and the Chairman can go sored anytime, if we make him angry, if his surbodinate feel the winds blowing the other direction, we will never obtain chances to improve the negociation with them, the door for me and the Chairman will be shut down; my wife warned me not to lost patient with our colleage, especially don't make them feel I am uncomfortable; I am thinking to escalate the negociation strategy to higher level and involved the world wide executive, my wife thinks this is not smart and I throwing problems back to them, why they need me here; then I digest to a compromise idea which is to have my direct supervisor writing Chairman a letter, and the letter convey the message from globle executive and setting the follow up meeting accordingly; I am planning to propose this idea today.
the other problem I probe with my wife is the political situation in Taiwan, we tried very hard to figure out who should be next Presidencial Election campaign parner with Majoy Ma, we found no one, as this candidate must fit a few qualification below :
1. Taiwanese native - to balance the southern Taiwan citizen.
2. A PTP member - as last election James Sung sarcrifice himself next to Lian Chan and the campaign fails, KMT should compasate this time.
3. Female -- to win the woman votes.
4. Expert in certain administrative area -- such as Cross-Strait relationship or Ecomonic Development.
when searching around the elite group in Taiwan, we found no one fit this critiria, I am worried, and worried if Pan-blue lost next Presidential election, they will become the oppisition party for next decade and the green will paint Taiwan anyway they want. I even thought writing a letter to Major May and voluntee to be the campaign planner from now on, he need some one to do it for him now privately, he have too much headache to fix in public.....
Yesterday, United Diary newspaper publish an article written by Mr. Cheng, who we met on Thursday -- he is the Chief of Culture Bureau in Chayi county, the article he wrote is to suppor a recently published book " How rocking roll change the world ", now the answer arrived, I really don't know why Chayi county would like to host the summer Asian music festival, he must be the brain behind the project; by reading his article, I knew he is a rock fan before, how interested to see so many old time rocking roller paticipate in political environement now, as told before, 2 major kitchen cabinet for Chen Sui Bain were rocking roller too; as Mr.Su gave me the newspaper clipping the other day, I am thinking to put together with my book, send it to him with a short note; can rocking roll run Taiwan or change Taiwan? I don't know, but this is a great topic to be explored.

I woke up this morning by 6:00 am, so early and don't feel tired, am I enter the mid age statue? do I need to take Menderdonin to resume better sleep ? after mid age, a lot of physical issue must be dealt with, the only place won't get old is the brain, but sometimes, brain can't control the body; so, the blog posting today is in an early morning.

I can't forget what my wife advise me,the only thing I can control now is to finish my thesis on time, If I fail to deliver it, no one can be blamed except me, make it the one and only priority for rest of the month and produce the thesis which I feel comfortable with.



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