
Tomorrow is the day for my blog anniverary; my continuely writing in English make it a habit for a while; recap on the first wirting article, this memory will keep and last for my kids to read, when they grow up. they will know how their father grow in early-mid forties, I am not sure if this is a heritage from my father who writing diary in Chinese every day for decades, I don't have the chance to review them all, to know a person is to read what he wrote, listen to what he said and watching what he done; father is a strager to me, he and my mother -- how they know each other, getting married, shared value, building the family .. I knew so little and I don't really want to know more; no one shall curse someone's marriage, not to mention your present, if the marriage didn't happen, you won't be on earth; but Live happily together is a fairy tale, this is waht I observe from my parent, they don't have a problem of getting along, but they have a big gap in value propsititon and they seldom travel together, I don't know if my father's diary illustrate his marriage, and I will never know how they evaluate their marriage. when my kid read what I wrote, they may make their own comparison.

Fruit have a fantasy about marriage, she thought marriged is like us -- her parent, love and respect each other, sharing feeling ans walking hand in hand. this is a gold for every family bulder. now and forever.



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