
The negociation process contiune, the more I involved in the negocaiton, the deep I feel we are begging for a living, as the dominate carrier hold up almost all the resources in the market, every move they make will drop a bomb to the industry and this is what I called a " never ending nightmare ", to survive in such a industry won't easy, your are the ham in the sandwitch, squeeze from each side will end your life; I don't like the feeling of controlling by others, rememeber the good proverb : you have to control your life or someone else will;

PBS situation is a rolling snow ball, I didn't know who is the main contributor to the current sitaution -- TTV / CTS release it's share to the goverment, then the government will donate it's share to the PBS system and integrated to a PBS platform consist of 4 main TV stations with more than 20 channels in Taiwan, it become the juicy steak; the planned sturcture by media reform alliance may not obtain the power to exercise it; the other down side is the recent government official appointment stir up the trouble water, all the appointment made by either Executive Yang or Presidential Hall have been challenged a lot, the latest news is Central Eelction Committee re-election of the chairman cause a gigatic hurricane, the one who's been appointed have to accused to protect Green party in every means, as this entity is set for major national elections, should be a fair playgroud for all the political party, as oppisition party and media strongly complain about this wrongfull doing and to compare it to the future structure of PBS system, they have great doubt about the person who will succeed the Chairman, they thinks PBS is another target for Green party to manipulate, if this is the case, should I consider this offer, will it distore my idealogy and my passion in building the best ever public platform ? see what happen.

S. recuritment firm is unprofessional, they should as least give me a call to let me know the answer, if they really want to represent me in the future, this is a basic manner to obey.

I wish I can take a long break, the in the face presure is my thesis, I need a " K book space " to digest what I did now.



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