
Strek 2 is a modern fairy tale, a comtemporary animation for all age of people; again, I bring the whole family to the Mandarin overdub version; the translation is kind of localized, a few slang they have changed to current affaire, it bring the audience a diffference perspective, but it may be away from the originality.

in the afternoon, when having the coffee break with J. A newly assinged special assistant to executive; for the past few session, the conversation with him is sort of " writing my oral biogrophy ", he listen and asked things didn't directly relate to our current business operaiton; he is the talent I always want to train, so, I don't mind to share eveything with him, today, I assemble and organized my personal theory about the human competition nature : when human specise living in early days, they fight with the natur with bare hand, so I call it the " physical competition era ", they need to climb high to avoid some feries dangerour animal, running fast to escape 4 feets, then the human delvelop weapon , not destructive, but letheal, so , they don't need to hind, then when the communication and trasportaion era comes, they compete from the war to geographic competition; 2 world war give lessons to mankind, so ,they turn the war to sports -- from Olympic game to World Cup -- a football game compete by nations , then ecomonic power become another coloney power, major power nations seeking lowest labor, cheapest material and biggest market, now we entering the competiton of knowledgy, the nature of competion change it surface but it didn't change the mentality of human competiton. so, this is why human race will be destroyed someday and we will no longer live on the earth......

I would like to jump to the bad earlier tonight and turn on the air condition, it's humid and I am ready for the second 5 tigers ping pong champainship tomorrow morning.



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