
Barbie's trouble, this is a culture and expectation gap. as Barbie can't read and write Chinese, her internship in our company is a frustration for both party; her father didn't aware that she can't use Chinese in working place, her interprestation of multinational company is a working environment in English, when having the HR review session, this problem brought up by our staff, COO have his rationale that every person in our company shall have a contribution, even an intern, I have no objection about this approach, but her father is a good friend of mine, taking care of her daughter is an obligation to me, the commucination gap between Barbin and her father extend the trouble to our operation, Jonathen will join us soon, HR is a little bit afraid of this situation again, I told them this will be a different case as I know him before he studied abroad and I understand his capbility in handing Chinese.



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