
Return from Tokyo yesterday, when arriving at the gate, a non-stop activity occupied my entier afternoon; initatiely, I want to skip the dinner and go for the exercise only, but when calling to my wife, I can sense how she want to had the meal with me, I changed my mind in a 5 minutes break, called her again and asked her to pick me up from the Sport venue by 9:45 pm , then go for the Red-face duck hot pot together.

Checking the YPO event venue yesterday, A-space is an ideal place for such an event, the capicilty is up to 70 people, as the application attendee increase to 60 plus, we measure the table / chairs and concider to put a 15 cm high stage at the front area, it will make the whole event a professional appear. Yen did a great help; ping pong exercise on Wed. as usual make me totally revitalized, sweat up and cicrculation will never do bad for me.

This morning, take the advise from wife, I initatial an conversation with COO, explained how both me and Chairman wish him to stay, got his answer clear, he is waiting for a career, it should be finalized in 2 weeks, this is why he can't make any pormise now, but he also agree with my thought, which is no change for current organization and role play, we don't want to place any ambigilty to our employee.

Send a little box of chocolate to K. who return to work after Chinese New Year, as I don't have time to welcome her personlly, I was out for business trip in Tokyo, sending her greeting by mail was the first thing I did, bring her a box of chocolate with a card and present it to her when I return, she walked in my office, and we had a 15 minutes conversation, she want to be treated normal, however, over-caring is the ambience around. I exchaged what I observed from the artist Pan who suffer the same decease with her and tell her a 2 extreams may happen in the future.

HR review , heard the news about the HIV positive in our company, I had experience handling such a case before, so, I am not panic, I told them if they need my advise, may come to me any time.

Interview with Cheers wasn't a great one, as the topic is kind of hard to handle for me, it deals with organizational behavior, they asked me to provide insight and advices if employee encounter with his or her superior who like to create the internal competition? how to react in proper manner. I did prepare, but again, I don't think I did a good job for this one.

Attending GIO 's Music Industry revitalization meeting ( or a difficulty solution brainstorming ), the first time I met Chief Mr. Lin in person, we miss each other a couple of times. but he dosen't like what we see on TV, logic with a problem solving mind set. Chief of Youth ... was there too, a 2 and half an house chat and brain storming, well, sore of constructive, but people who were there with the traditional perspective won't gain anything. this is not a copyright protecting or promotion session, complain won't make any improvement for this.

Dinner with wife and go for the movie - Side way, a little poetic and realistic movie, very modern and with some inspiration, like one of the theme in the movie - good wine, it take time to really catch the point. anyway, we were home after midnight, it started to rain, Thanks God, we didn't take the first suggestion from A. when decided the venue for YPO event, otherwise, tomorrow will be a dissaster for us.



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