
I should recored what's been through for the EMBA Classmate touring on Saturday. 3 of us had an appointment prior to the New Year, I did all the follow up for J. he's been engaged with father's ill, I have not complain to do it on behalf of everyone.

we gathering by 8:30 am at the front gate of NTU, first stop is Hot Spring at Yung Ming Mountain, the cherry bloosom were so reflesh, the early bird get to see it before anyone; 45 minutes hot bath at Elite SPA, we follow with second activity - lunch at Brother Restaurant at Ching Shang Town, J. had a too high expecation of the cusine and didn't satisfied with what we had for lunch, I can feel his nervous and anxiety; this is the first time I can really see through his inner part, when we talking about the latest situation, whenever it pop out with celebrity I am encounted, he feel nerver and all the complimentary were so fake, I don't like it, the update in between was a normal and simply exchange of situation, why take it so serious and feel the inferior about it? P. join this discussion also. I am not sure if I should disclose that much next time, maybe not and maybe to keep distance from now now.
Traffice jam on our way to the third destination, he burst out angry, I see much clear now, we decided to cancel the trip and return to Taipei, this make me enough time to take a rest and attending my YPO dinner at Tienmu 101, knowing Diana - President of 101 at the dinner was the plus, chat with Shu Kwo Ching were great, but to smell the local painter's critisize about " Local / non local painter " surprised me, how come painting had its root of political correction? I am out of speech.



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