
「Too much Howard Hughs in Howard Hughs」, the ego statement from his divoced wife consist a strong evidence of how Ego make and break the first half life of this person.
I am so into the Aviator - the movie talking about the epic life of Hughs and his epic dreams - pilot the fastest airplane on earth, be the richese person in earth... the movie touched me so much, during the airing time in the theater, I can't help myself thinking about my future, do not equip th eccentirc mind as Howard and the commitment action as he did, dose Success will swim to you ? I doubt, but do a person success and become the icon will be happy ? or simply become a talk about, an example , a story to be told ? if the must transperently showcase themself under the sun, do I want to be the person like them ? I raised the question to my wife after watching the movie, she reply with her wisdom : My Dear Roger, those who successed , only demostrate their commitment to what they do, they don't know whether they will become a story to tell in the very beginning; so I raised the second question to myself : Do I have a dream to pursue now? if losing the dream to catch upon, then there's no strong motimation or ambition to be success ? I asked my wife the same question, she replied : I don't have dreams since I was a kids, now I only wish not to be a human being in my next life , I told her this is not a dream, but a wish; I talked to myself and tried to rationalize the successfuly story before me, to become a head of an International Music Company, Chair the Industry Association and be the cheif judge panel now for the Golden Meloday Award, does all the credit earned make it a Success for me ? am I qualified to be success in some corner area ? if yes, then what's next, I must keep pursuing before my ambitious die out ? Maybe to be the Best Well Kwone, knowledgablt Consultant in the Chinese Society , wife said this goal is a tough task; well, no tough task will never make a dream, I feel much more release and falling to sleep.
Leonado is a great actor from my view point now, I don't like what he acted at Titanic, but Aviator proved that he is one of the great young actor, he deversed to win an Oscar; the story of Hughs is so controversial, the dramatic life and colover living make a great scrip for the movie, I am very interested to know the second half life of Huges, I shall buy one of his autobiografer some day.
Another finding during the movie is " Want to make it a compelling power to pursue; Must transform it to an obligation you force to perform " the two different attitude lead to varies outcome; want to make you happy, must drag you crazy.
Visiting little Tang yesterday, Sound want to get off the car and accompany me to pay visit to the thrine; when lighting the insent, I told him the story about little Tang, he is very sensitive and can feel the vibration I encounted, when get on the car, he asked : Will lillte Tang be my guardian angel and protecting me ? I send him a smile and say : No, he will only live happilly in Heaven? Sound asked anothe question : How am I so sure that he will be in Heaven instead of Hell ? I said : this is what we hope for, isn't it? Sound is so sweet.



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