
I asked HR supervisor to announce an early leave yesterday by 4:00 pm, that's the last working day before Chinese New Years' holiday, I did it every year to deliver a good surprise to all the employee, acturally, after lunch, only a few employee will concentrate on office, their mind fly away to the long holiday. we had 8 days new year holiday this time. every one had their own play to spend the vacation.

the first holiday event we did were took the family to the missed Pixas animation " The incredialbe ", I love the movie so much and treat it as a 007 equivelent , no wonder all the Pixas animation were hits. after the movie, we go for the red-head duck hot pot, Fruit didn't like it, the subsitute plan for her is to find athe bakerery shop, unfortunately, the shop closed earlier than before, she wasn't happy and said a very rude slang to her mother, I am so sad, why our daugher dosen't apprecaite her parent ? although I read through the " Parent Effictiveness Training ", I can't help to send her penality, as I told her before, the panelty is to knock her knees in front of our ancient alter, I didn't forcer her to take the panelty too long, but told her to do it as her wish.........

this morning, wife go for swinning, I stayed home with kids, again, the confronation between Sound and Fruit occures , I tried to adapt the method from the book and seeking a 3rd solution to slove the conflict, thanks God, I managed to overcome this difficulity, I can really appreciate how my wife suffered when stayed with both of them.

Hosting a welcome back lunch for another Colleage classmate, as he requested, I invited another 8 classmate to join the lunch, the last person showed up was Mr. Huang, that's about time for us to call it an end. and he worked in Far Eastern Alirline, so I told him I am a buddy of the President, my wife pour over cold water on my head again and warned me not to be a " Big Mouth " anymore; I don't know, I just can't help to inform people who I am associated with, I am not leverage my networking to show off my power, but I knew it will somehow leave such an impression to others, I shall be more careful about it.

Bring family to another animation movie " Howard's moving castle ", a Japanese animatin film by the famous director - sorry, I don't know how to spell his name in English, we love his movie for a long time and didn't miss anyone of them, this is the latest one he directed, we were thrilled about the paining, the detail and the compelling touching story. I brought kids to the Japnese deep fried pork restaruant for dinner, we enjoyed so much, this is a rich meal I shouldn't take if I really want to keep in good shape, but, anyway, Chinese New Year, the window to relax yourself.

this is more like recorded my diary activity in a very routine and boring format; I should consider a better and consturctive way to express myself; such as My feeling about this Japanese animation, my experience in handling kids' difficulity.

I did swept the dressing room staff this morning, the house keeping thing is a must do before Chinese New Year, I clear rooms for the eyes - I can see through the clothes and feeling better about the neat and order; finding the " Living rule contract " which I print for Fruit, that's an over a year contract, I remembers at her 4th grade, Fruit didn't develop any health routine such as " Brush her tooth every morning " " Keep her room clear " " Be polite to the elder...." we make a list of 10 items to be contracted, maybe the commitment made without strictly implementation, I didn't monitor the status in a long period of time -- it is even shorter than 21 days, so, I don't see an impact on her, until I found the contract letter when cleaning the dressing room, I brougt one empty form to her room and told her : I can't be with her always, she can't stay with us forever, only to change from bottom of her heart, the difference will be clear to see '

On my way to lunch - The Sheep restaurnt, I called a taxi, it was a female driver, she seems lost her mind when picking my up. the we developed a conversaiton, she told me she was so anger about her daugher who just have a near-querral with her, she raise them up. keep both brother's home with them and ony take 6000 / month as an allowacne from them, she said to me, her daugher / sons changed a lot after getting marrey; the attitude of her daugher make her hardly to bear, she don't know why and seeking my opinion, I told her when the children grow up, you can't control them, according to some Economic Therory, to yelled and release temple with the relatives - especially your parent, the cost / risk is the minor, no matte how mad they are, in the end, they will forgive you, that's why kids always take advantage of the elder, then I know that one of her dauger teach in the University, raise a kid of 14 years old, stay with her and stew beef which she can't stand........... I reply with a very simple backgroud of me, such as raising the whole family, live with my parent also, and I draw the conclusion of" I am less fortunate then her daugher / sons "



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