
hype for a few days, maybe the engery created by the developing of crisis; C.'s advise pouring ice water to my hot head, I cool down a little bit, she drag me back to the real world and force me to think the worst scenario; Strolling at Eslite book shop yesterday at the noon time, I went to Core - the biggest shopping mall in Asia to buy sourvernir for my friend in Tokyo - the bamboo craft peice - Da Chu is what I favored for a while, it's elegent , it presented a quality of local folk art and it is niche anywhere else.

Coming back for a marketing short session, this is to slove a long planning with Ezfly, I don't have a clue why a tie-up take such a long time, this is a too long trasaction cost; the I realized the negociation party don't have a knowledge to bring down th conclusion , to narrow the difference in between and to create the co-op ground. I simply advise them how to conduct an effective plan and to picth to the conclusion we wish to achieve.

Attending Winds Recorded Year End Party, I saw energic people in the restaurant, this company is vital and with passion, senior employee sitting with me, they come up with complains such as : always very late for company year end party; last day to issue the bonus, this is a family run business sydrome, probe one problem , you will peer the chain of problems cvoming your way, interesting , another cost-effective issue for management techonic.

Last ngiht, the first time Fruit say " I am sorry " to her mother, I was thrilled to witness this moment; Fruit through out her temper straight forward and sometimes ingore others' feeling, the lesson she get yesterday prove that we trained ourselved to be better parent is a pay-off, they both make my day. especially when Sound encourge Fruit to approach her monther , and he even accompany with her.

I love my family.



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