
Tokyo flied over for weekend, they wish to have a further discussion about my career, to be more specific, the future of the company; the messager who brought in the anxiety of the decleartion of COO's leaving; yes, a Japanses's departure form one of his initative isn't common to see; the conlcusion I made for this is to foster the decesion of me -- an uncertainly lays between the company and COO.

I don't know why a everyone knows thing will turn to a half-half situation. everyone knows both me and COO stays, we have great chance to bring the company to the next level, either one leave will double the efforts to achieve such a goal; I have no objection about someone looking forward to his own career in selfish and protective means, but , again, I do think win-win situation can be made in between.

The message send from Tokyo kept me thinking hard, how to really think of independance and be a man of freedom, it may arrived sooner than my expectation; as I brian drive faster and faster, I already come out with a plan; but again, if I can't get what I deserved, to take the simple route and waiving good bye won't be a realistic approach in my age and my position now.

They wish me to visit Tokyo for a company future sturcture discussion and to go over my career at the same time. I am fine, as the ball throwing out from COO already, there's no point for me to play silence, But I don't understand, why can be a mutual understanding and seeking for the best of the company; the scenarios I presented should be very careful, any assumption I made may put me in difficulty palce and become a no turning back situation, " Think begin with the end in mind " is the habit and strategy I should take now.

set up a company of my own is essential, there's should be an assistant taking care of my diary business, a Special Assitant to follow every action / business I bring to the company and an office to keep receiving mails and having those staff feel stable and comfortatable. the estimation is around 2 millions NT per year withoug my own expenses. how to start it is a key, I need an action plan instead of a planning now.

Wife knew that I will be nervous about it , so, she drove us to Keeloung - Stew Pork Rice ( Lu Row Fan ) fed my appetise and keep me from the trouble mind for a while, but I just can't stop thinking, right after this, I should write down the plan and see how to take from here, Finally, I will be the man on my own.



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