
I have to reiterate the unpleasant appoinment with MTV HR head this morning, the more I think of it, the deeper I realize why MTV Asia is in trouble; if you recurited people like her and it become the culture or standard, you will never attract talent people to your firm, this is how I feeled now.

Interviewing with Ming Shang Pao is quite pleasant, we have a hours of chat, as she focus on me - the person instead of the company, I can eaisy told the jouralist my habit, the routine I developed, how I make the new technologe a way of life for me, not a burdon to me, how I see growing people is much more important then growthing the buisness. I also show her a few web-base activity I did, such as blog, which have recorded for 20 months in my personal history, I also demonstrate the introduction file I did for YPO, of course, I didn't mention which association I participate. the impression leave is positive I guess, I do hope what's been released is a plus to me, by the way, I also diclose the 100 Song publishing schedule, if the news being distributed, then I have to make it a reality, a great monitering scheme.

Lunch with Fred. Kong shang and Ryne for another YPO event, I devoted too much on this association, but, doesn't matter, they asked if I can be the presenter to showcase DSC and DV on their event, I have no problem to do it, this is a cross-forum experience for me. as I heard what they comment about our invitation, well, the effort is paid off.

Birthday party turn to a desert picking session, no one really care about the staff who's in the birth month, they are more interted in what the warefare committe prepared for the birthday party, I am not comfortable about this change, if your are born in the month, during the celebration party, no one really care about you, What will you think, I wish to alter it somehow, wait for next round of warefare committe election.



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