
Lunch with Co. a former PR / Branding supervisor as Mrs. Fei, I ate Tuna sandwith with whole wheat toast, eating half of the portion is my habit now, but when return home, I compensate myself too much , it will destroy my weithght controlling program, I am out of focus now.

Lunch is for her recommendation letter, I done it quiet a lot these years. I am not sure if I am qualified to be a referral for MBA to be, but as a head of multi-national company, I am fine with this task.

Reconnected with Chuan Yi this morning make me so happy, the wrong number I dial bring to his wife and we had a great chat, I remember when met him at Malaka last time ( 5 or 6 years ago ), he show me the demo of his new house, now they move in already; I am glad to be reconnected , I had an emoiton to book the air tickets and bring my family there. as a University classmate, I sort of save his life -- yes, when he was in trobule with a civil turn crimimal action, I was the only person who had time with him, comfort him and accompany him to the court for as many times as possibe, then the runaway project was my idea. well, the old time story won't bring any good memories to us, but this is how it happend and we are good friend as before.

Last night, had another 2 second run movie with wife - " Calling from the heart " is a very semtimental movie from Japan, wife almost caied out her tears, I am not so moved any more, maybe I treat is as a " Film " now, only the Europen film can touch me now, " Cellelure " is another great action movie, no major cast but with good story, it can build the fan base also, we enjoy these 2 movies.

Sunday Lunch - another EMBA professor / student association, the " Lucky Club " were students Professor Wu and Wu's networking, I pick the resturant for them " Le Venience " in Sang - Kang, I was there too early, have to sit in fornt of a senor classmate, he is so talkative and so easy to leverage his relationship with high ranking officer and how import he is to be part of the DPU ( Democratic Pacific Union ), I make the same mistake before and contiunely making is : to leverage yourself by association with people you think is supeiror than you; the ironic is : if you are one of them, you don't need to leverage them and you will be treated equally too, if you become the person be leverage with or be treated as the target, you are somehow achiveing certian degree of Fame and Fortune. the lesson to me is don't acted as the guy who sit in front of you and deliver every credit by word.

The cream / peanut naughy candy is too tasty, my wife bought a lot during my lunch, it killed my diet program again, I ate too much and ignoring my displine. after the last movie, we went for night maket for anothe round of supper, again, I didn't make my promise of keeping the right shape. I have to control again.



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