
Trip contitue:
after visit the Me-lung Hakka musuem, we take a one and half hour drive to Wutai village, on our way to Wutai, we passing through San-di-meng and stop at the oboringal reservervation control station, the police keep a goat as a pet, he love to plan with tourist and asking for all kind of human food, passing through the control point, we enter the Lukai land, with the latitude of 800 meter, we were in the mountain. checking in our home stay - a traditional Lukai village, house are made of stones, as I told the administrator my problem of snoring, they put me in the suite along, this room belong to the owner's son, I see lot of art . sculpture and painting, he is a true artist. when checking in, every body go for a tribe taste local food.

Little rice and A-bi is what we eat the most during the 2 days trip. the dinner is OK, by 7:30 pm, the host -- Daku arraged 4 Lukai elder singer performing traditional Lukai music to us , in the stone house, they all dressing up, Daku she was the translator and interpertor, she explanined to us who are they, what's the meaning of the song and the tradition of Lukai.

to my surprise, we have a wrong imprssion about obroingial, at least to the Lukai tribe; virginaitly is so important to the people of Lukai, the lily on the woman's head demonstrate the honor anf purify of a woman; in the entire villiage, only one elder woman who smokes, drinking problem ? alcohol is so expensive, only the noble and the elder can afford in the old day, since " Bai-lung " ( the han - hakka , non-oborignal ) came, they lost property, work and confidence, the alcololic probalem developed.

4 of them singing for 1 and half hour, the reward, a 300 NT red-envolop with some snack / fruits we bring make their day.

I spend time with Daku and learn more about the culture of Lukai, knowing they relocated from Old Good Tea and stop in Wutai because a dog won't go further, they smell a sign of holy hand and decided to stay.

Long distance racer was normal to see in the old days, because there's no road for car, they have to walk every day, and it keep the stone house alive, not the road pave with tar, wider then before, tourist come and morden life invansion, the value changes, but in Wutai, they keep their tradition still.
Bai-lung is not allowed to buy house in Wutai, they can rent as long as they like, but can't doing business also.
Posion snake is a friend to them, they call it in theri native lauguage -- a good fellow, because they keep the Bai-lung away from the village. we speak until 11 pm, I love the story she delivered and I had a great night.
this is the end of first day.

Follow morning, I woke up by 7:00 am and take a stroll to the mountain, in the day time, you can see clear every house in the village, they keep the traditon in the front door, in the stone carving, wood caring and preserve what they love and showcase the talent we Bai-lung lacked; the Chrismas tree were so high. all of the village people believe in God and share the same religion, although in the village , they had 3 church belong to different saint, but during the Chrismant, they celebrate all together.

I med David - an American in the early morning, he told me there's a wedding taking place today ( it's a Sat. ) an A-mei lady will marry to a Wutak man, I excited about this accidental surprise , and I met Daku's wife - the macho / beard guy, an artsit without further explanation.

The first program in the morning is to see another village in the middle of the mountain, Daku take us toward the Little Goast Lake, another surprise, we saw cherry bloomsing in our way, so beatiful and so amaning. the peak is a base stataion of CHT - Yes, Changhwa tele is every where, looking from this mountain to another mountain, Daku told us stories, the second program is a culture visit to the village, she explained what we see in front of each house, let me tried to memorise:
1. if you hant a bear, you put bear figura in the wall.
2. if you hung wild pig, if it's male, you carve lily, it's female, you put.
3. the holy story of animal hamony with people in the frasco painting, you see all the male -orientaed symbol to present a make dominate society.
4. but they don't beat wife, they think male is stronger then female, this is not a fair game, wife can return to her home, unless the hushand apology , she will not return home.
5. Chinese name was created after simply yet interesting concept - Du marry to Ba , and he is a boy, they will name is 杜巴男, his son was born in Spring, they call it 杜巴春... Dabanam he is a great worrier and artist, sports man, his house is a personal musum ,collect 30 admi fees. he don't speak Mandarin but Japanese and Native laungaue.
6. Hunting king selling craft in front of his house, his house deco with all aninals.
7. Elder lady put on a blue scar in her hat, which mean she is in mouring of relative of her who passing away.

after the village culture tour, we went for the wedding, the priest is conducting the celemory, so pure and so holly, all the people dressing up and singing in the church blessing to the new couple.

then we stop at a Ai-Yu shop tasting the greatest Ai-Yu in the world and watching the shop owner demonstrate how to juice the Ai-Yu.

Finding a place for another tribal lunch at Fu-Ku Wai near San-di-meng.



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