
the snow ball project discussed with Hochen during the breakfast chat last Thursday; the idea concept were well received by him; as we had a platform to know each other more by joint support the documentary movie ' life " the development of intimacy growing stronger and stronger. we set a monthly breakfast chat routine and he seems to be favored with my intention.

lunch with C. on last Thursday was a good one also, she brought me to a Middern decorated vege restaurant for lunch, it located in Ching-Yung street, an old street with some 100 years old house next Sheta; I didn't find this place before , I go over the concept of Snow ball and send her Kate Spake book " occation " as a new year sourvonier, she also invited me to a 2008 event on Tuesday; heading home for 2 movies with wife afterward, " The punisher " is an interesting one, another animation turn film, cartoon culture in the US and Japan are different, but the had a market system supporting the transformation of pop art, check how success Spiderman hit the market; I am ready for the Friday outing.

return to office today and found the diary recored I kept in new Clie th55 were vanished, the battery was dead, all the record I wrote were gone, I am so mad, asking Eu. - my assistant to turn the system back to my NZ50 model and urge her to aution TH55, it bring anger to me and I don't want to use it anymore. as I promise all the trip member provide them with the complete document, fortunately, I had the memory stick which keep the voice of Rece, otherwise, I will never forgive myself of ignoring the back up system and check the digital device battery all the time, this is the sin of being digital.

I had to rewrite it again, but the emotion and instant touching, spontaneous felling neve come back. I need my blog to do it again, be awared, blog is digitalize somewhere in the electricy, I have to print it out tomorrow.

Sat morning, I arrived at the Shung Shang airport by 8:00 am , I am 30 minutes ahead of the meeting time, scrolling around, I received the call from Yang - the trip orgainzer by 8:20 who informed me the traffice stopped him in middle of the road, if I see Stan, take care of their couple, Yang rush to the airport by 8:30, Stan didn't show up yet, Celloist Fan appeared, plannier Yu and Wu appeared, then Stan bring his wife arrived, Stan announce his retirement on Dec. 30, this is his first trip after retire, everybody know him, but I didn't really understand him, the first hello is a courtesy; I help loading the luggaege, checking the bag and we boarding the Far Eastern airline to Kaoshung; KS is warm, we took off all the heavy coat , leaving only a long sleeve shirt / polo with us, agreeting us , oble aritst , her hushand - conductor Chu and their father, the owner of the Feng-Cha musemn, on the bus with me -- Professor . Dr. Wu he introduce us our fist stop - Hakka culture in May long county and the Hakka eight tone on our trip to May long, Dr. Wu is a genius, he not only telling the story of Hakka music, but singing some songe to color the story, we were impressed by his knowledge of traditional music and his compelling story telling skill; the trip is too short because we had too many story to listen.

stop at one Hakka Old restaurat, where we had our first culture meal and meet up with 4 musician from the Eight tone group, the food is great, especially the stew winter mellon win everyone's heart; after the lunch, we drove 5 minutes to a temple where these artist preparing their first showcase to us. Dr. Wu told me he have arragned a trip for them on March 13, they will fly to Europe for the traditoanal music fesital, the soul of the group Mr. Chung learning Sona 50 years ago, he gave me his name card with the credit of living legend. 8 tone is gentel and detailed than Baikwang. insturment talking to each other. one one session, they invited a singer, yung yang to sing one Hakka folk song, th voice is so beautiful, so beacutiful.

the story contiune.



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