
How I spent my Christmas Eve; well, this is a very busy day for me, in the morning, I managed to have a coffee with F / A manager, I tried to release her from an uncertainty, she don't looks good for 2 weeks, I invited her for a coffee last week and do it again in the morning of 24th; Chien continue my unfinished coffee after her, on our last session of conversation, he said to me that there's no interactive between us, my reponse is, this is not a quality time to talk a very broad subject during my office hour, I appreciate his enthusiam when come up with new ideas, he will come to me immediately, but I am engaged between meetings, I need to cut every conversation to follow the schedule.

Lunch with J, the other ISP player was a surprise finding for us, as we found that one of our alliance have the potential to double play between us, and as I awared that we might be fooled for those lunch together and forming the consenses in between; we feel bad, I want to know more so asked some communication messaged that G. informed me earlier and found he is not a honest person, this defenitely break all the commitment between the alliance. COO is very upset and unhappy about the game G. play; I don't feel comfortable either, why we have to deal the flock of foxes at the same time?

sitting on the branding brain storming session, the Deputy manager present us a concept of branding next year, as this is a very immature stage, her approach is looking for answers from top management; she talked so speed and follow every though created by herslef; we finished the discussion in 30 minutes; I am not sure if we need to disclose the product plan ( a confidenical nature in our company ) to PR team before confirm the product? maybe not, but how to inform the PR team and provide them with enought time .

Attending EZfly top managerment meeting in the afternoon; S. invited me to attend the meeting and sharing me every confidencial information about the company; I don't know why, but I thanks for his trust in me; EZfly have a great room to improve and a decent room to glow, if they adjust every thing right step by step; none of the person I met at the meeting room impressed me, maybe they are scared of S. or maybe this is the ceiling for them?

Christmas Eve with old pal and previous music company colleage, I pick the restaurt -- the Goat Floor, a place for mutton, everyone is so happy about the restaurant and food I pick.

This morning, after the ping pong session -- only me and Tom show up, we fight for 2 more hours, I play the turn around and win in the final round. I visit the Eslite books store before the Press Conference for the new book " Story of NPO ' " Miss Cheng did come due to other urgent engagement, I am a little bit disappointment, but I am happy to see Mr. Chiang, CEO of Himalaya Foundation, who is the associate of Mr. Han, we met 10 years ago, but I feel great to see him in the venue, my short speech moved a few person, even the charactor of the story; I make an metaphore about Life -- although you can't predict how long you can live, but you can enrich your life, make it wider.

I bougt 2 wooden chair, when saw them on Thursday, I had a desire to own it, as they are still staying for me, so, I took them.



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